Chapter 5

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I didn't sleep much that night. After Kid Flash and Artemis left, Aqualad showed me to my room.

It was basic: grey walls surrounded a 10 by 10 square room with wooden floors, a twin bed on the far wall-beside a small table. Then two doors-one on either side of the room.

I was about to thank him when a thought popped in my head, "Do you have a change of clothes or something for me?"

"Batman said there are somethings in the closet." He pointed to one of the doors.

I gave a nod and went it the room, shutting the door.

After grabbing a over sized white t-shirt and grey jogging pant, I walked over to the other door.

It was a bathroom.

After a quick shower, I was laying in bed, my mask and holo glove on the side table.

This has been a interesting day to say the least; and to top it all off I'm stuck with the sidekick squad.

I let out a groan, there was no way I would be able to sleep, plus I didn't feel like having another nightmare.

I sat up and grabbed my holo glove, deciding to try and hack the chip, what's the worst that could happen?


After a solid 5 hours of trying to hack, I achieved nothing! I couldn't believe it, absolutely nothing.

I stood up and stretched, maybe I should just try and clear my head; this place must have a gym or something?

I put my mask, as well as a new shirt and another pair of jogging pants on, and left my room.

Though the mountain was fairly big, I easily found the gym.

It was big, in length and height. There was a track, punching bags, weights, and many more equipment. But what caught my eye was the gymnastics rings.

With a smile on my face, I ran over to them- wondering why a gym would have one?

I stood underneath them, swung my hands for momentum, and jumped up. My hands latched onto the rings.

Straining my muscles, I raised my body so I was in a standing position and my arm straight at the side.

Then slowly, I pulled my arms to my side. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face, but a smile still remained.

For the next 30 minutes I flipped around. The only reason I stopped was when I heard someone gasped when I had swung in the air, did a flip, and grabbed the rings again.

With a sign, I released my hands, doing three flips, and landed on the ground below.

Standing about 10 feet away from me was Miss Martian. She watched me with widen eyes.

"Morning." I stated, walking over to a small fridge beside a bench. I opened it and grabbed a water bottle.

"How'd you do that?" She questioned, flying over to me.

I shrugged, "The flips? I don't know, I just did it."


The two of us sat on the bench, the only sound was me slurping down water.

I looked down at my holo glove, 6:06 am, then I looked back at the girl.

"Do you always wake up this early?"

She gave me a kind smile, "Since coming to Earth I have. Time here is much different from Mars."

"I could only imagine. I used to live in Romania-a country in Eastern Europe- and the time difference is like 7 hours."

"How'd you get used to it?"

I pondered for a moment, "Just got used to not sleeping a lot. I traveled all around the world so I got used to the weird times."

"That's amazing. On mars everything looks the same, but here, it's just beautiful."

I nodded my head, agreeing with her.

A curious look suddenly appeared on her face, "Why don't you travel now? Is it because you're a superhero and all?"

I looked down at the ground, debating on how to answer. Luckily, she seemed to understand and change the subject.

"I'm going to go make breakfast." She sat up, as did I.

"Ok, I'm going to keep training."

With one last smile, she was gone; leaving me alone to my own thoughts.


"Why didn't you just take the boy when you had the chance?"

A man asked across the screen.

Deathstroke stood up as he spoke, "It's quite simply really. I wanted to see how well he could hold up against me; it was admirable."

The man was about to ask another question, when Deathstroke continued.

"Now that he's got himself intertwined with the Justice League, turning him into my appearance with be that much sweeter."

"So it's revenge?"

He shook his head, "More like hitting two birds with one stone."

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