Chapter 13

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Waking up on a concrete floor in a dark room was not something I was expecting. I went to push my hair back, out of my face, when I realized my hands had been bonded to the wall.

This was when I realized that I wasn't in the cave. I slowly moved my body into a sitting position. My arms were behind my back, metal cuffs attached them to the wall.

I decided to take in my surroundings. I was in a dark, square room; the only light coming from a small bulb in the middle. In the far top right corner was what looked to be a security camera.

That was it, the room was not whelmed, not whelmed at all.

I rested my head back against the wall, taking a deep breath. This didn't look good, but I had to stay positive. I then remembered that Batman would be back soon. He's the worlds greatest detective, he would be able to find me. All I had to do was not give into the man who kidnapped me.

Just then the sound of a lock being unlocked rang through the quiet room. I looked over to the door as it opened, the light from the outside blinding me for a second.

In walked my favourite person in the world, Deathstroke.

I gave him a death glare as he shut the door and walked over to me.

"Richard, you really should show me more respect."

"Why would I ever respect you?"

I received a hard kick to the stomach.

"Because you have been given a great opportunity, many wish they had."

I rolled my eyes, "Ya, the whole apprentice thing. Look, I'm not interested."

"Trust me, by the end of this you will learn to obey me."

Another kick was placed at my stomach.


I refused to give Deathstroke the satisfaction as he continued to beat me for what felt like hours. My head hung low as I tried to ignore the presents of the older man. I could feel blood running down my face, drying in places around my body.

He bent down and picked up my head, "this could all end if you would just listen to me."

I looked him dead in the eyes, "Go to Hell."

Then I spat in his face. In return, he smashed my head against the wall. I bit down on my lip in attempts not to scream, causing me to taste blood.

He roughly let go of my head and backed up. It was almost as if he was stalking his prey. A chill ran down my spine from the thought.

"Richard, I can help you." Deathstroke said, breaking my thoughts. I hated the fact that he kept calling me Richard.

"I'm sure you remember a man named Anthony Zucco."

My breath froze. I hadn't heard that name since I was 8, since my parents had died. I could feel my body began to shake, I couldn't figure out if it was from anger or sadness.

"The man who ruined your life," he continued, "See, I was shocked that he was still alive after what he did, that man deserves to die."

The thought had crossed my mind; killing the man who caused me so much pain and anger. However, I could never bring myself to do it, it just wasn't right.

Deathstroke then tapped an earpiece in his ear and within a couple seconds a man was thrown into the room.

Although he was severely beaten I could still recognize the man: Tony Zuco.

I didn't know how to process everything that was happening, so I closed my eyes.

I could hear footsteps come closer to me, then the sound of my chains being unlocked. I felt my wrist become free once again. I opened my eyes and looked at Deathstroke.

"I've brought you the man that ruined your life, all you have to do is kill him."

The statement left my head buzzing. Zucco was just a couple feet away, even in my condition, I could easily take him out.

"I can't," I choked out, "I shouldn't get to choose who lives or dies."

I could tell Deathstroke was beginning to get annoyed, but after a second, he seemed fine. He reached in his pocket and threw a hand gun at me.

"Oh Richard, I honestly didn't think you were this naive. This man in front of you is nothing compared to us, he deserves to die. All you have to do is pull the tigger."

My eyes landed on the lifeless body of Zucco. It seemed as if he was already dead, so would it be so bad if I finish the job?

I looked down at the gun in my hand, then back at Deathstroke. My mind seemed clouded between right and wrong.

I slowly picked up the gun and aimed it at Zucco. Just as I was about to pull the trigger, I aimed it at Deathstroke's foot. My plan was to distract him and make my escape.

However, after pulling the trigger I realized the gun wasn't actually loaded.

I heard Deathstroke let out a low laugh, "I guess you want this to be done the hard way."

Within a second he pulled out his sword and thrusted it through zucco's chest. I watched as his eyes popped opened, staring directly at me. I recoiled back but deep inside there was a sense of relief that he was dead; along with a tiny bit of guilt that I wasn't the one to have done it.

The gun was taken away from me and I was chained back up. Without another word, Deathstroke left-leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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