Chapter 9

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I decided to run at her first, try and throw her off guard; which worked.

I was able to get a punch at her kidney and a kick at her ribs. She regained her balance and threw a punch at me. I flipped away from her.

She wasted no time and moved to try and kick me. I ducked under it and gave a swift kick into her gut; sending her a couple feet away from me.

Artemis ran towards me, but I saw an opening as she went to punch me. I dropped to the ground and swiped her leg, which led to her crashing to the ground.

"Artemis: fail."

I reached my hand down and she grabbed it. I pulled her up and BC walked over to us.

"Good work, just got to work more on your form, Artemis."

Black Canary looked at me, "Take a couple minutes then get ready to fight Conner."

I nodded my head and walked over to Wally. He handed me a water bottle and I took a couple sips.

I wasn't very tired, but I needed some time to come up with a plan to beat Super Boy. He was strong but slow, I would have to use his own strength against him-.

My train of thought was broke when I heard Wally call my name.

"Good luck, Rob, try not to let Super Boy flatten you like a pancake."

"Wow, you don't have any faith in me?"

He shrugged, "Let's just say if I had to bet money, it would be on Super Boy."

I pretended to feel hurt as I walked back in the ring for the third time. I study Super Boy, he had his neutral look on- like always.There was no doubt in his mind that this would be a easy battle. Well he was about to learn what being wrong feels like.

I let Connor make the first move. He ran towards me with a scream, his fist already out to hit me.

I ducked under it and rolled between his legs. I bolted straight up and kicked his back, causing him to stumble.

He turned around to me, fire burning in his eyes. Good thing he didn't have all of Super Man's powers because I would've be burnt to a crisp.

So what does he do instead? Runs back towards me; you would think he would learn from his mistakes.

As he ran, his arm was out in a poor position. I grabbed it when he was inches away from me, dropped onto one knee, and flipped him over my shoulder with a loud thump.

Just because your big and strong, doesn't mean you win every battle. The only reason I was able to flip him-someone at least twice my size-was because I used his own momentum against him.

I stood up and looked around the room; everyone-besides Black Canary-stared at me dumbfounded.

Were they seriously that surprised that I took down SB? The guy had nearly no fighting experience; just some stuff a lab put in him and big muscles.

I walked to Conner and offered him my hand. Instead of taking it, he swatted it away and got up himself. Then, stormed out of the room.

M'gann jumped up, "I'll go follow him."

Black Canary walked towards me, "Nice work Robin. It was smart to use his own strength against him."

"Thanks." I mumbled, a bit disappointed about what had just happened.

"Don't worry about Connor. He just needs to calm down and clear his head."

Before I could reply, my name was called by Batman. I definitely didn't expect to see him.

"Robin, we need to talk."

Although I acted calm on the outside, I was freaking out in the inside. Did something happen? Was it Deathstroke? Did I do anything?

Without saying another word, I walked out of the training room. I followed Batman down the hall and towards the bedroom I'd been sleeping in.

"Be ready in 5 minutes, then meet me at the Zeta Tubes."

I nodded my head and walked in my room. I was about to close the door when he spoke again.

"Also, nice work in the training room."

I was glad I was facing away from him because a smile appeared on my face.


I was back patrolling the streets of Gotham, this time however, I was with Batman.

He had asked if I wanted to help him track down the Joker and I agreed.

Although I had only fought the Joker twice, he definitely gave me the creeps. However, I was so excited to work with Batman that I just looked past everything else. I couldn't explain it, but the idea that Batman wanted me to help him made me strangely happy.

It was also interesting to see Batman's detective skills; which were amazing. I thought mine were fairly good, but to watch this man work and piece things together made me want to become better.

He told me he had been working on this lead ever since the news of the breakout happened. His lead led us to a run down factory on the north of Gotham.

We surveyed the building on a nearby roof.

"This seems too cliche with the whole 'crazy evil villain hides in a creepy, old warehouse'."
I stated as I kept my eyes on the building.

In all honesty, I was surprised Batman replied.

"Most Gotham villains are cliche."

"I guess that's what happens when you live in the most crime-ridden city."

I continued to watch the warehouse until the sound of a crazy man's laughter filled the air.

I looked at Batman.

"Looks like we found our clown; but since it's most definitely a trap, how do you want to do it?"

Batman's eyes never left the building, "I'll go in from below, well you go through the roof. There is a vent shaft big enough that you can climb through."

I cracked a smile, "A vent shaft? I guess Gotham's hero's are cliche as well."

The usual scowl on the older man's face seemed to change into the tiniest smile, but then disappeared; making me think I just imagined it.

Batman grabbed his grappling hook and shot it down below, blending in with the darkness.

Doing as I was told, I made my way to the roof. In the corner was a ventilation shaft. I ran over to it and quietly unscrewed the vent lid. I set the lid down and climbed into it.

The first thing I noticed was how dusty it was, having to fight the urge not it sneeze.

As I crawled through the vents, I used my holo glove to see if there were any cameras or motion sensors.

Not surprisingly, there wasn't anything. I pulled up the blueprint of the warehouse and used it as a guide to travel the vents. After a couple turns, I reached an opening where I saw the problem.

Tied up in chairs and gagged were five civilians-three adults and two children. Due to the dim light it was hard to see, but I could make out that the chairs were in a circle-with their backs to the centre. They were in the middle of a relatively large room; wooden boxes littered the outside of the area.

I continued to scan the room but the Joker was no where in sight. This was most definitely a trap.

I decided that my number one priority was to get the civilians out of harms way. All I needed to do was come up with a plan.

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