protect me? {I}

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   "jeon jungkook, get down here this instant!" a groan escapes passed a discombobulated teen's lips as he heard his mother yelling for him at the bottom of the stairs.

   the ruffling of sheets could be heard as he made his way out of the warmth of his bed. making his way to the staircase, walking slower than a snail, jungkook made his way into the kitchen, seeing his mother making breakfast and his father reading the morning paper at the table.

   he sat down at his chair, glancing over at his father before looking over at his mother, "good morning, sweetie." his mother spoke in a cheery voice.

   "morning," jungkook groaned as he laid his head on the wooden table. the sound of someone clearing their throat made his head perk up.

   "don't look so gloomy today, jungkook. your guest is coming over today," his father reminded his son as he sipped coffee from his mug.

   oh, how could he forget? jungkook's new bodyguard was supposed to be coming over today for a brief meeting. he didn't agree to having a bodyguard, seeing as he can take care of himself, but his father persisted otherwise.

   "oh, that's today, darling? i haven't had the time to make welcoming appetizers." his mother looked at jungkook's father with a face of annoyance and distress.

   jungkook's father stood up, walking over to stand behind his mother, wrapping his arms around her waist, "not to worry, my love, i'm sure he'll be fine with a simple salutation and a handshake. but if it really bothers you, i could put out some chips."

   jungkook's mother gasped and playfully hit his father's arm, "chips? chips are not for welcoming someone into your home. chips are for parties where you get drunk off your ass."

   jungkook watched as his parents argued about why chips aren't a good welcoming snack. with a sigh, he stood up and walked back into his room.

   the foul smell of dirty clothes was what jungkook was accustomed to walking in on everyday. the maids try to negotiate with the young teen, begging to make his room as pristine as can be, be his defies. after a while, it can be obnoxious to have someone constantly asking you the same thing.

   jungkook got out clothes to wear for when his "guest" comes over, a pink sweatshirt and white skinny jeans. he did his hair in his normal floofy style. walking back down stairs, he said his parents sitting in the couch in the living room, a man sitting in the couch opposite of them.

   quietly walking behind the couch, jungkook made his way to the kitchen to get something to eat. he was close to the door when his mother spotted him and chirped, "oh, jungkook, sweetie!" thanks, mom. "come say hello!"

   jungkook awkwardly made his way around the couch, sitting next to his mother on the white sofa. looking up, jungkook saw his supposed "bodyguard". and let's just say, jungkook has never been seen so dumbfounded.

   his lips were parted slightly and his eyes had their usual innocent look to then as he looked at the man across from him. he felt his mother nudge his side, a smile still placed on her features. " h-hello." jungkook mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

   "hello, mr. jeon, it's a pleasure to meet you," the man on the couch gave a warm smile.

   "the pleasure's all mine, sir." the room went silent for a few seconds, jungkook's face be coming the color of a rose. that was, until his mother chimed in and asked the man some questions.

   this was jungkook's chance to take in the man's full appearance. to his blue hair, all the way to his black skinny jeans with his white dress shirt tucked in. the man was the definition of pristine to jungkook. 'i just hope he never sees my room.'

   as far as zoning out, jungkook did catch some details. his name was kim taehyung, aged 21, lives alone, used to work with his father on some police cases.

   "—kook. jungkook are you listening!" Jung kook was snapped out of his thoughts, looking up, only to see everyone's eyes on him.

  "yes, mom, sorry." jungkook could've swore he saw the man, taehyung, smirking at him. he felt his cheeks heat up.

   "mr. kim will be staying in the room across from yours while we're gone. so if you need anything, ask him for help. you already know your rules; no going out late, no alcohol, no parties, friends can come over and may stay the night."

   "okay, mom, i get it." jungkook's mom gave Jung kook a warning glare, before turning back to taehyung and smiling.

   "mr. kim, i put the rest of the rules on a piece of paper on your dresser. please, keep our son out of trouble, he's a bit of a handful." jungkook looked at his mom with a questioning look, her not looking back at him.

   "don't worry, mrs. jeon, i'm sure i can handle him," taehyung sent a wink to jungkook, which went unnoticed by his parents. the younger boy looked down at his hands, his face a blushing mess.

   mrs. jeon gave her son a tight embrace as her and her husband stood at the door, getting ready to leave, "okay, make sure he eats three meals everyday, and don't forget about his allergies! oh! and make sure you know where he's at at all times, if he's not with you make sure he has his cellphone on him. and—"

   "mrs. jeon, i can assure you that we'll be fine." taehyung said, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder to soothe her.

   "oh, alright. i'm just going to miss my baby so much," she said as she left little kisses all over jungkook's face, the boy giggling. "okay, sweetie, bye! we'll be home before you know it! be good for taehyung!"

   "i will mom!" jungkook stood on the porch as he watched his parents load up the car, and didn't go back inside until the car was out of sight.

   he sighed as he closed the door, eyes meeting with dominating brown ones staring back at him. "i guess we're alone now, jeon." taehyung's deep voice sent shivers down jungkook's spine.

   "indeed, i guess we are," they had a staring contest, neither one daring to back down. at least, not until jungkook let out a sneeze.

   "bless you."

   "thank you, mr. kim."

   "please, call me taehyung," taehyung spoke as he held his hand out for jungkook to shake. the younger shook it slowly.

   "okay, taehyung"

i just need to say,,, yoongi's a bottom in any ship. tell me i'm wrong

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