definition of innocence {I}

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"fuck you, jeon jungkook." taehyung groaned as he looked down at the peacefully sleeping boy. the two males have been sharing a room together for months now, taehyung finding it even more difficult to be around the younger.

he stared at the young male in the bed, his tousled hair and his slightly parted lips drove taehyung off the edge. his cheeks had a naturally rosey tint to them that taehyung found absolutely adorable. his long eyelashes made his features even more ethereal.

taehyung sighed as he stood up, making his way into their connected bathroom to get ready for the day. he got out his toothbrush from its holder, putting some toothpaste on it and brushing his teeth. Taking the hair brush, he started brushing through his tangled locks, parting his hair in the middle because jungkook always tells him how much he loves it when taehyung does that.

"hyungie!" taehyung walked back into the bedroom, seeing a small jungkook sitting up and stretching his arms. taehyung smiled as the younger stood up, biting his lip when his saw his nightwear. jungkook was wearing one of taehyung's oversized, at least on him, white button-up shirt with no pants underneath. taehyung allowed him to not wear pants to bed because he didn't want the younger to be uncomfortable.

"yes, jungkookie?" jungkook looked at the older, a wide bunny smile making its way to his face.

"good morning!" he chirped out, rushing over to taehyung and giving him a tight hug. taehyung chuckled and gave the younger a hug in return, rubbing his back.

"morning, koo," jungkook let go of the hug and got back into the bed, snuggling back into the blankets. "what are you doing?"

"don't want to get up today," he pouted. "i want to stay in bed with hyungie." taehyung felt he face heat up at the younger's words. he immediately slipped into bed next to jungkook, the latter latching onto his side.

he wrapped his arms around the young male next to him, hearing his soft breaths leaving his parted lips. jungkook was always a fast sleeper. one time when they were in the car coming home from dinner, jungkook had fallen asleep before they even left the parking lot. that resulted in taehyung carrying a sleeping jungkook into their bedroom, almost dropping the younger quite a few times on the way up the stairs.

taehyung sighed and ran his fingers through jungkook's hair, letting the young boy sleep in his arms. a soft knock at the door was heard, taehyung mumbling a small "come in". jin popped his head into the room through the cracked door, seeing the two boys cuddling on the bed made his heart drop.

" aw, taehyung." he said as he made his way to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. "you can't let him sleep all day, he won't be able to sleep tonight." he started stroking jungkook's cheek, feeling his baby soft skin underneath his fingers.

"i know, jin hyung," taehyung said as he stared at jungkook's sleeping face. "you know i can't say no to him, it's like he has me wrapped around his little finger." he grabbed jungkook's tiny hand with his larger one, holding his index finger up to his lips and giving it a small kiss. he began to rub jungkook's hand with his thumb.

"when do you plan on telling him?" taehyung shrugged, looking over at jin with a plain expression.

"do i necessarily have to? i mean, i would think it would be kind of obvious." jin chuckled a bit, taehyung scrunching up his nose in confusion.

"if you haven't noticed, kook's kind of slow when it comes to noticing things. maybe it would be better to just come right out and say it?" taehyung shook his head.

"he can figure it out on his own," jin sighed but nodded, knowing he'd never change the younger's mind no matter how hard he tried. he left the room, leaving taehyung alone with a sleeping jungkook. jungkook shifted a little in his sleep, moving more on top of taehyung. jungkook's face was on top of taehyung's chest, his arm draped over his torso while he leg was over taehyung's legs.

taehyung smiled as he watched jungkook sleeping, chuckling at the small noises he made. taehyung couldn't understand why it was taking the younger so long to understand that he likes him. he was giving off all the signals; more physical contact than usual, spending more time together, even making flirtatious gestures. jungkook still never seemed to get the hint.

tawhyung had fallen asleep as jungkook was waking up. jungkook looked up to see his hyung fast asleep. he slowly slipped out of the older's embrace and off the bed, walking out of the room and closing the door softly. he walked down the stairs to see jin cooking in the kitchen. "afternoon, kook."

jungkook looked over at the clock on the wall to see that it was, in fact, two in the afternoon. he mumbled a small 'afternoon' and took a seat at the table. jin brought him a plate with a piece of pizza on it with some broccoli on the side.

"eat up," jin said as he walked back to the stove, cleaning up his mess.

"hey, hyung?" he heard jin hum in response to show that he was listening to the younger. jungkook hesitated to continue, "how do i tell someone i like them?" jungkook jumped when he heard the sound of many pots and pans hitting the kitchen floor.

"sorry, i thought you said you like someone," jin apologized as he began cleaning up the mess he made. jungkook frowned and turning in his chair, his legs hanging off the side.

"but i do like someone, hyung," again, the sound of more pots and pans hitting the floor was heard. jin stood there with wide eyes, staring at jungkook with a look that could kill.

"what's her name?"


//not to be annoying but i just need to say that 'what we do in the shadows' is honestly one of the best movies i've ever seen Jjsissiksnejd "get up and stand on this ceiling like a man"\\

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