E E E E E E okay so I'm not saying that this is a def larry proof (but its aDORABLE) but I still have questions.
Here's a link to a video of it, you might have to play it a couple of times, but louis makes the heart sign and "up" motions to someone off stage at the beginning of the vid.
NeAtO, rIgHt? But my main question here is why would Louis sign a HEART to the tech people or crew or whatever when he wants Harry's mic up when he could just wave or use a different motion or symbol. Seems shady, but I'll take it 🤪
Here's another link to Louis specifically doing it, but it's really short.
BuT wAiT, tHeReS mOrE
We aLSO gotta video of HARRY motioning to the off stage tech people or something like that to turn louis' mic up while he sings! But he doesn't do the heart motion??