Allengices and Cat Application

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Leader: Cloudstar (White tom with green eyes and the tip of his tail is black)

Deputy: Liontail (Golden-furred tom with orange stripes and green eyes)

Warriors: Mousenose (White She-cat with a black right ear and orange spots near it with blue eyes)

Sparrowash (Full-black tom with dark blue eyes)

Chaseflight (Orange tom with belly fur light orange and green eyes, brother of Dawnflower)

Pebblefoot (Dark-gray tom with brown eyes, oldest warrior, father of Mousenose and Sagewing)

Toadleap (White calico tom with blue eyes)

Briarfern (Sister of Lilycloud, gray she-cat with brown spots and green eyes)

Leafwhisker (Gray she-cat with dark blue eyes, mother of Lilycloud and Briarfern) 

Stonetail (White tom with brown spots and orange eyes)

Stormflight (Tom looking like Cloudstar and with black stripes, brother of Roseash and Silverwind)

Roseash (Pure white she-cat with sky blue eyes, sister of Silverwind and Stormflight) 

Lionfire (Dark orange tom with dark brown eyes)

Lilycloud (Mother of Silverwind, Stormflight, and Roseash, gray she-cat with black stripes and dark-blue eyes, sister of Briarfern, mate of Cloudstar. Retired Medicine cat)

Apprentices: Cinderpaw (Dark-gray flamboyant tom with odd eyes, red and blue, and a crazy personality, mentor is Chaseflight) 

Owlpaw (White she-cat with black tips on her ears and a giant spot on her belly fur with the tip of her tail black, ice blue eyes, sister of Lilypaw, mentor is Toadleap)

Lilypaw (White she-cat with silver stripes and ice blue eyes, sister of Owlpaw, Mentor is Sparrowash) 

Kits: Timberkit (Dark brown tom with a light brown tip of his tail, brown eyes, brother of Ricekit and Shallowkit)

 Ricekit (White she-cat with gray socks and emerald green eyes, sister of Timberkit and Shallowkit)

Shallowkit (Light gray tom with black socks and hazel eyes, brother of Timberkit and Shallowkit)

Windkit (Cream-colored she-cat with orange eyes, sister of Coalkit)

Coalkit (Pure-black tom with dark green eyes, brother of Windkit)

Queens: Silverwind (Mother of Owlpaw and Lilypaw, looks exactly like Lilycloud but with dark green eyes, sister of Stormflight and Roseash, mate of Lionfire) 

Icefall (Pure white she-cat with orange eyes, mother of Timberkit, Ricekit, and Shallowkit, mate of Toadleap)

Sagewing (White she-cat with black spots and brown eyes, sister of Mousenose, mate of Stormflight, mother of Windkit and Coalkit) 

Dawnflower (Dark orange she-cat with light orange spots, green eyes, sister of Chaseflight, mate of Sparrowash, mother of Cinderkit)

Medicine Cat: Doveheart (Light brown she-cat with black stripes and hazel eyes)

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Ashpaw (Cinder-colored tom with one white sock and green eyes) 

Elders: Maplepool (White she-cat with a cream ear, and blue eyes, sister of Emeraldeye)

Emeraldeye (Pure-white she-cat with gray socks and green eyes, sister of Maplepool) 


Leader: Leafstar (Cream-colored she-cat with light green eyes)

Deputy: Amberblaze (Tom with orange eyes and hazel eyes, brother of Leafstar) 

Warriors: Swanember (White she-cat with brown socks and hazel eyes, sister of Flameleaf)

Flameleaf (Brown tom with cream ear tips and hazel eyes, brother of Swanember)

Leapharvest (Retired medicine cat tom, jet black with dark blue eyes, brother of Moondust)

Moondust (Gray she-cat with blue eyes, sister of Leapharvest)

Rivertail (Silver she-cat with white long socks and light green eyes)

Dapplefur (Light orange tabby she-cat with orange eyes)

Cherryfeather (Jet black she-cat with amber eyes)

Thornfire (Orange calico-tabby tom with copper eyes)

Tigerfern (Brown tom with black stripes and hazel eyes)

Webclaw (White tom with orange eyes) 

Apprentices: Foxpaw (Orange tom with gray socks and blue eyes, brother of Leapordpaw, mentor Thornfire)

Leapordpaw (Orange spotted tabby she-cat with hazel eyes, sister of Foxpaw, mentor Cherryfeather)

Fernpaw (Cream colored she-cat, mentor is Tigerfern, sister of Lintpaw)

Lintpaw (Gray tom with dark green eyes, mentor Flameleaf, brother of Fernpaw)

Kits: Ivykit (White she-cat with gray socks, sister of Ravenkit and Sandkit) 

Ravenkit (Jet-black tom with dark brown eyes, brother of Sandkit and Ivykit)

Sandkit (Sand-colored tabby she-cat with green eyes, sister of Ravenkit and Ivykit)

Queens: Scarletfang (Mother of Ravenkit, Sandkit, and Ivykit, white she-cat with a cream tail and ears and spots, ice blue eyes)

Echocloud (Gray she-cat expecting kits, hazel eyes, sister of Scarletfang)

Medicine Cat: Fallingleaf (Black tom with cream colored eyes)

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Brackenspots (Orange tom with brown spots and hazel eyes)

Elders: Breezestare (Deaf tom with ice blue eyes and white fur, brother of Lightdapple)

Lightdapple (Light gray she-cat with amber eyes, sister of Breezestare)


Kittypets: Creamy (Cream colored tabby with hazel eyes, she-cat)

Rabbit (White tom with sea blue eyes) 

Stone (Gray tom with orange eyes)

Loners/Rogues: Wood (Wood-colored she-cat with hazel eyes)

Ash (Cinder colored tom with green eyes)

William (Cream-colored tom, frequent visitor of Mountainclan and Leafclan, amber eyes) 

Everyone who is reading! When she-cats are expecting kits, you can put a name of a kit you want in the story! I will put a list of she-cats expecting kits, and pick which mother you want, I have no idea for kit names! You will have a cat in the story, tell me the looks, personality, everything! Only one kit per person. Though, the full warrior-cat name is announced by me. Also, if you want them to die half-way through the book, just tell me, and when they do die, you can add another cat. If your cat is a queen, you can choose which kit who applied you want as your kit. Just post in the comments which kit after you made your choice. If your kit doesn't get accepted, just try again another time when a cat is expecting kits.

Expecting Kits:


Kit Admission Form:

Mother and
Future Role: (REMOVE) Available roles: Warrior, Queen 

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