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"How did you get hurt this badly" the nurse asks

"M-my dad"

Her eyes widen

"Sir we will have to get the cops in for questioning"

I nod and run my hands through my hair in frustation Jeremy hugs me trying to calm me down

I look down at his phone hes texting Christine telling her im at the hospital god I wasted his time

He would be having fun with christine if it wasn't for me I quickly get up

"I need to use the restroom"

Jeremy grabs my arm and pulls me down i wince at the pain but he doesn't seem to notice

"Your not going to have a panic attack in the bathroom im right here no one can hurt you your my favorite person I've got your back"

I just nod letting silent tears roll down my cheeks as the nurse's clean the wounds on my face

"After the cops get here we will check your ribs and arms stuff like that right now im just going clean your face up"

i smile gratefull for her help

~time skip~


The cops come and lead michael into a room he asks if i can join they let him because I will calm him down

"When did this start happening"

"For as long as i can remember the first time was just so slaps and hair pulling it just got worse over the years belts bottle books anything he could find he insulted my sexuality telling me things to damage my already low self esteem he recently smashed a bear bottle on my head" he said pointing to his forehead

I saw the tears flowing down his soft skin i wiped them off with my sleeve hugging his arm in an attempt to calm him down he winced when i hugged his arm

I frowned i can't beleive someone would do such a thing to just wow an amazing fantastic person i wish he could see how good of a person he really is

He hugs me and i gladly hug back we pull away i give him a warm smile he gives me a small one its small but it's progress

The nurse then drags him away i go to the waiting room with rich and jake


"Sir you will have to take off your hoodie"

I hesitate then i finally take it of to reveal scars and cuts lined across my arms

The nurse looks shocked and gasped

"Did your father do this"

"N-no I-I did"

She nods her head

"I see its ok i won't tell your friends in there but try to stop"

I nod and sigh in relief that the nurse understood

She lifted up my shirt and check my ribs

"Defiantly broken"

She grabs a thing that looks like what mummies would wear and wraps it around my ribs

"Wear that for 2 weeks it should help it heal"

I nod the nurse leads me to a scale to check my weight

75.7 shit thats not good

"Why haven't you eaten"

"Dad spent all his money on beer I still eat I don't starve but he doesn't leave much money for food"

Oh My God Boyf Riends (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now