Chapter 8 : A secret thing

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Flaca opens her eyes hearing her alarm go off and feeling Tipsy trying to wake her up by licking her hand, she looks to her side to find Maritza gone. she wasn't next to her anymore, Toby was though. who could have happened?

she gets out and heads to the bathroom to get ready and at the same time tries to phone Maritza, but the small girl had apparently left her phone at Flaca's place. So Flaca hopes that the woman will show up at school. she gets ready and starts walking her way to school, earphones in her ears as she blasted Lewis Capaldi's new album her mind still thinking about what had happened the night before.

she arrives at school and finds Maritza's locker, she smiles thinking about the girl, takes out a hairpin from her hair and opens the lock to unlock the small girl's locker and when she does so she sticks a pink sticky note to the door and closes it again quickly, and heads to her own locker which was on the other side of the hall.

as she's taking out the books for her first and second period...

"hey skinny!"

a manly voice came from behind her locker door, she exhales a long breath and closes the locker

"I didn't have any of your works today"

she says quietly

"oh we know, were you with Maritza last night?"

Kevin asks approaching her

"yes, she had chemistry tutoring for 3 hours..."

Flaca lies not wanting to tell them that they hung out together, she doesn't look up to make eye contact, they made her feel so small!

"yeah? and who told you you could do that?"

"she asked for my help"

"so? why is she not paying huh?"

Keith jumps in, Jack stayed back looking at Flaca wanting to say something but it was like his tongue couldn't form the sounds for him to tell them to stop

"she's a friend"

Flaca says still not looking directly at them

all three of them, besides Jack  start laughing loudly making Flaca's eyes glisten

"what's so funny, heard you from the other side"

A familiar voice came from behind Flaca, the tall woman secretly breathes a sigh of relief hearing Maritza's voice and feeling a hand on her shoulder

"nothing, the girl is hilarious!"

Keith smiles at Maritza

"I know right? seriously she's amazing"

Maritza says tilting her head to the side as if to tell them 'I know what the fuck you're doing to her, and I'm not gonna let you hurt her again'

"do you want me to take the bag to your locker?"

Jeremy jumps in his voice sweet, I know right? ew

"oh no, no thanks, I'll be just fine thanks anyways"

Maritza declines politely as she lets go of her grip on Flaca's shoulder

"are you ready from your locker?"

she asks her, Flaca replies with a simple 'yes'

"do you have a moment? I need to talk to you, I found a little problem with yesterday's topic, the atom and all"

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