book 1- best friends

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A boyish figure opened the door. He had a handsome profile and spoke complacently.

"Hey, Audelia. Xavier is eating breakfast, I'll go get him for you."

He turned sideways and bright his hand up to his hand as a makeshift megaphone, "Hurry up Bee, your girlfriend is here!"

The boy flashed one last smile before returning to whatever he was doing before Audelia arrived.

A different, more put together boy showed himself, grabbed his backpack, and then followed the girl outside to a car parked in the driveway.

"He didn't mean it... I mean the girlfriend part, he just likes to annoy me"

"It's okay."

Xavier reaches into his pocket and grabs something small. As discreetly as he can, he puts it into his backpack, not trying to catch the attention of the girl next to him. Audelia doesn't notice, but proceeds with the conversation.

"Jeremy has a new nickname for you, huh."

"He started calling me Bee because 'I'm such a pesk'."

"Wow, what a nice brother," she mocked.

As they entered the car, Xavier's eyes land on Audelia's feet.

"Why aren't you wearing the new shoes I bought you?"

"I already told you that I don't want you buying stuff for me, Xavier. I don't need it.
"Plus, my shoes are perfectly fine, I didn't need new ones."

"The sole of your shoes is held together by duct tape," he spoke as a dry laugh left his mouth.

"But I can still use them."

They drove in silence for a while before they reached their destination. They got out of the car and started walking towards a large building with a sign reading 'Hagardy High School'.

As they were pacing to the building, a bothered look drew itself to his face. Audelia noticed this.

"What's wrong, Xavier?"

"Oh... I'm fine"

"Xavier, I've known you for a while now. I think I can tell when you are not okay."

"You know how my birthday is coming up?"

Audelia hummed in response to his question.

"My dad isn't going to be here; he will be gone for a business trip."


Audelia didn't know how to respond. All her life she had been an orphan. She doesn't know what it feels like to be sad because her dad isn't there for her birthday because she didn't have a dad. Since she just turned 18, she no longer was able to stay at the orphanage. She didn't have anywhere to go, and since she still had to finish one more year of highschool, she needed to find a place near school.

Eventually, Audelia found a room for rent in a ordinary house. She had no way of paying for so she had to get a job. She met Xavier because he is her neighbor. They have been friends for a few months, but their relationship is as strong as if they have known each other for their entire lives.

They part ways in the hallway and head towards their own classes. Audelia's thoughts dwell on the idea of Xavier's cause of displeasure as she enters her classroom.

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