book 1- crush

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Irene spent most of her time with her nose in books. She explained it would all be worth it in the future when she got her dream job. She, a studious girl, didn't have time for a social life.

Currently her eyes weren't on the enormous math textbook in front of her, but on the brown haired boy sitting diagonal from her.

When her time and thoughts weren't occupied by planning for her future, she was thinking about Jeremy.

The boy was the ying to her yang. Jeremy was on the school's soccer team and the whole school were his friends (that is, except Irene).

Irene spent her time in math staring at the smiling boy, while he talked to some of his many friends. She cared about the class, but since she already knew everything the teacher was teaching, she spent her time viewing the handsome boys face instead.

The bell for class to end rang and the students rushed to get their things in their bags. Irene took her time since she didn't have an appointment with friends, like all the other kids.

As she was in the hallway she noticed that Xavier, the twin brother of Jeremy, wasn't talking to his very close friend Audelia. She found this strange, since every day she would see them together in that same exact spot. Irene observed a lot of things, since her time wasn't occupied with socializing.

Irene admits that Xavier was a good looking boy, more similar to her than his brother, but something was different about the other twin that aroused interest in her. Besides, Audelia and him were so close that it would be impossible for him to think of any other girl besides his best friend. Irene wondered why they weren't dating, since it seemed like they spent every second of every day together.

Irene once overheard that Xavier bought Audelia shoes, but she only wore them once before they never appeared in the school halls again. Xavier often bought Audelia things, and it caused Irene to wonder if Xavier was more than Audelia's friend.

The school day passed by quickly, and it was soon time for the kids to leave home. Irene walked back home and opened the door to her house and saw the most terrifying thing she has every seen.

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