book 1- argument

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Audelia slammed her hand on the roaring alarm clock to her right. She limped her way to the bathroom in the hall, and carried along with her morning routine. Her throat was in excruciating pain. She felt like she could barely breath, and as visions of what happened yesterday reappeared in her head, causing her eyes to water.

As she was about to leave the house, the events of yesterday were recalled to her mind. Xavier and her had gotten into an argument.

During break, after their first period, Xavier had pulled something from his pocket and offered it to Audelia

-Flashback to yesterday-
"This if for you Audelia... I asked my parents and they agreed with it... They consider you family and said that it's an early Christmas gift," Xavier held a credit card in his hand.

Audelia couldn't believe Xavier and his family were giving her a credit card. She has 'borrowed' money from them before, but never a small card that came with responsibilities. Audelia's emotions tornadoed around in her head as she thought as a response to the gift Xavier held in his palm.

Audelia's eyes moved from his hand to his brown eyes, "I can't take this Xavier." She put her hand on his and closed his palm so that the card was hidden in his large hand.

"Audelia, we have talked about your financial situation before. I know you need this. This is so that you can buy things that you need, so that I can stop buying things for you that you don't use."

"I never asked you to buy me things," Audelia snapped back as soon as Xavier finished his thought.

"Audelia, you need-"

"I don't need your money or sympathy. I'm perfectly fine... I'm not a charity case," she said taking a step back, ready to flee the akward situation.

"You are not listening to me, Audelia."

"No, Xavier, you are not listening to me. Tell your family: thanks, but no thanks." Audelia turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. She didn't know where she was going, but she didn't want to be anywhere near him.

The boy was frozen in place, as if Audelia was Medusa and turned him to stone with her words. Xavier was just trying to help, but instead lost his friend momentarily.
-End of flashback-

Audelia couldn't see Xavier right now. She didn't want him to see her in such a vulnerable state, but she needed to get to school. She had no other choice but to walk to school.

Her house was fairly close to the shook campus because she considered that while planning where to look for a place to stay. It was only about a mile away.

At the rate she was going, she would be late for school, but she would rather that than have to see Xavier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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