°Lines/Moments Lijeul says & do•

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"WaLAnG fOrEVeR mAmAmAtAy RiN tAyOnG lAhAt"


*Ginulat ni hyunjin*

Lijeul: ayo ko nang mag hugas!

*Binato ng frying pan*


"Thank you, next"



"Do you see that? That's my friends and that's me in the middle"


"I'm bored... might as well slap one of my members and blame it on them" *See's Seungmin* *Slaps Seungmin* *Fake cry's* CHAN! SEUNGMIN SLAPED ME!!!" *Chan: shows up with a knife* ''Where is he?!'' "What?! I didn't even do anything!''


*Curses in different language* ''What? I don't understand you, you know'' ''It means 'I love you Jisung oppa' ''


My toes ~
My knees ~
Ang kyut ko promise.


"Share ko lang cuz, sharing is caring u know"




SKZ in an interview

Interviewer to Lijeul: Have you been bullied?

Lijeul: yes many times, but I don't fight back.

Interviewer: Why?

Lijeul: Because hurting animals is a crime

(this is for w**j*n you big fat


"Sinampal na sana kita kaso animal abuse yan"

(This is for w**j*n you big fat, white nasty, smelling fat bitch
Why you took me off the motherfuking schedule
With your trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch
And maluma body ass bitch
I'm coming up there and I'm going to beat the fuck
Out of you bitching don't even call the police today
Cause I'm gonna up there unexpected and wait on your motherfucking
Ass bitch I'm coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch- yeah🥰)


No one;

Lijeul; Anyways


''I'm hungry..'' ''Lijeul.... You just ate 5 minutes ago..''


*Lijeul; Dance's randomly in public not caring about the people looking at her*

Minho: Lets just act like we don't know her


''Jeongin oppa, please say 'Eien ni issho ni iyou' '' ''Awww, your so cuteee *busted all her uwu's''

(lolz I might b wrong cuz I just google translated it, it means 'let's be together forever' . plz correct me if its wrong)







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