Ships 2

456 9 0

5. Hyunjin ( LiJin )

-Weird dances

-Lijeul once lost kkami (but they luckily found her thanks to the CCTV cameras)

-Breathes in eXtRa

-Hyunjin always makes fun of Lijeul's height

-If Hyunjin sees her eying a stuff/thing, BOOM, he buys it without hesitation

-Is whipped

-Lijeul loves him even though he's a sNAKE along with Minho (lol jkjk)

-1/6 member of ''The crackheads squad''

''Uwu Lijeul looks so cuteee'' ''You just noticed?''

6. Changbin ( LiBin/ChangLi/LiChan) [ a/n; don't question the names. ]

-Always teases Changbin about his height

-Always cringes when Changbin does aegyo/acts cute

-Roasts each other

-But we all know that, there wHIPPED for each other


-Lijeul sometimes go with Changbin to the gym

7. Minho ( LiNo/MiJeul )

-1/6 member of ''The crackheads squad''

-A love-hate relationship

-And a bit of brother/sister sometimes

-Salty af together

-Protective towards Lijeul

-Cover's a lot of songs together

8. BangChan ( LiChan/ChrisEul ) [ I dk why, but I guess it works(?) ]

-Mother/father ship


-Lijeul will kILL, anyone that hurts Chris and vise versa

-Chris raised Lijeul and she aint denying it

-Lijeul always go to Chris for advice

-She can be seen dragging Chan outta the studio cuz he works too much

-English convo's


I came back from the dead! Lolz

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