| High School AU |

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''Oh, c'mon Lijeul! Just do it!'' ''Do I really have too?'' ''Yep'' I said while pouting ''Nope, that ain't gonna work on me. Now, shoo!'' I swear, Felix is a DEVIL in disguise. Anyways here's Felix, he's one of my friends but, don't worry, I'll tell you more later. So he dared me to talk to the one and only, Park Jisung, one of the popular kids in school just because I lost on a bet. Pray for me guys!

Felix pushed to toward Jisung on ''accident'' WAY too hard and as a result, I fell on top of him. I know, cliché right? But it happened anyways. Ahhh, I can sense my embarrassment already! Anyways, back to the story.

''Ouch!'' And it happened...I fell on top of him. I opened my eyes only to meet his ''S-sorry Jisung sunbae!'' I said getting up and bowed continually ''No no! Its not your fault! I'm okay, see?'' I faced him then, he reassured me then smiled showing his eye smile. Good thing Jisung is a good kid cuz, if he's not, I'm gonna be at the hospital already. He's really cute! Ugh I want to pinch his cheeks!

''Sorry again Jisung sunbae!'' I said while bowing one last time and left to find Felix, that little snitch! I swear, if I find him, I will kill him to death!

~~Jisung POV~~

I was talking with my hyungs having fun when suddenly, I fell to the ground with great force ''Ouch!'' I groaned, feeling pain and heavy weight on top of me then, I slowly opened my eyes only to meet with another person's eyes. ''S-sorry Jisung sunbae!'' A girl said while getting up then bowed continually ''No no! Its not your fault! I'm okay, see?'' I said reassuring her though, it did hurt a little bit. I smiled at her, then looked at her face. She's cute.

''Sorry again Jisung sunbae!'' She bowed and walked away, no, waddled off. Am I going to see her again? ''If your wondering whether your going to see her or not, the answer is yes because we have P.E class combined with her's'' Chenle knows me damn well! ''Since when did you read minds?'' ''Since today'' He said with sass. I think he needs to stop hanging out with Haechan hyung...he's starting to get affected with the virus.

''Enough chit-chatting kids, lets go to class'' Renjun hyung said then we parted ways.














Ayo wassup! Longtime no c readers! Did you guys miss me?......no? Lol

Anyways im so sorry for not publishing for a really long time and for a really short chapter!

I promise ill update you guys soon! ( don't expect it...it'll take time)


sorry if its bad.....

So, what do you think? Let me know in the comments so I can improve my writing skills.

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