Group Chat

329 4 9

Peachy🍑 made a Group Chat

Peachy 🍑 added Meanhoe, TrashBin, Satan and 6 others

Peachy 🍑; listen here you little rats

Peachy 🍑; im bored

Adisgrace; is that all?

Peachy 🍑; yes, u have a problem?

Adisgrace; no..

Memesquito; how about we go to the arcade?

Satan; you actually said something that makes sense for once

Memesquito; you think I have a single digit iq or what?

Satan; yes

Memesquito; you ass!||

Memesquito; bitch

Satan; never been prouder!

Shrek; so.... whats the point of this gc again?

seen by Peachy 🍑, Acutie, Satan, Aussieboo and 6 others

Shrek; wow! I feel so loved rn

Aussieboo; lets just go to the arcade

Peachy 🍑; great!

Peachy 🍑; lets meet in the living room in 15 mins

Acutie; oh! can we also drop by the shop that just opened? I heard that they sell the good stuff

TrashBin; anything for you innie:) uwu

Acutie; did I ask for your opinion?

TrashBin; no....

Acutie; then keep that mouth of yours shut, dead cells are coming out (q taetae)

Shrek; okayyyyy

Shrek; lets just stop this and meet at the living room in 15 ok?

seen by Satan, TrashBin, Adisgrace and 6 others

Shrek; wowww!

Shrek; im so touched -_-










its short ik ik


good bye and have a nice day/night!

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