Chapter 3: Only The Beginning.

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Chapter Three:

Third Person's POV:

" Where am I?! What is this?! How did I get here?!" Niall's lips were shivering and his head was moving frantically in all directions. He fell on his back, he tried to calm himself down and recognize the place he was brought to. I know this place, he thought. I've been here before! Not too long ago actually, Wait! This is Justin's house! But how in hell did I get here?!

" Oh baby, are you hurt?!" A childish, high pitched voice came from the shadows.

" Wh-who's there?! Justin is that you?!"

" Justin?!" The voice became more clear. " I'm a girl you dumbass!" The voice became silent for a second, and then a shadow of a person started to get clear in the dim light of the room. A girl in her teenage years, her pale skin was so fair you almost think it's transparent. Her silver straight hair extended down to her waist. She approached Niall slowly and went down on her knees.

" Are- Are you an angel?!" Niall breathed out. Her full cherry pink lips curled up in a breathtaking smile. " No, I'm a demon." She replied simply. Niall's lips twitched in a smile and said: " That's not possible....You're an angel."

" Your heart my love....Is so pure and innocent. I feel really guilty for bringing you here." She lifted her hand, running it across his hot cheek. " You can't harm an insect, can you Nialler?!"

" H-How do you know my name?!" Niall whispered, his eyes fixed on her big grey eyes, mesmerized by them.

" I know a lot about you Nialler, more than you can imagine." She whispered, getting closer to his face.

" You're so beautiful, I've never seen someone as beautiful as you are!" His lips moved in a robotic way, while his eyes still fixed on her eyes.

" Divina!" A warning voice came from behind. " He's no match for you, leave him alone, please."

Niall's eyes blinked so fast, for the first time since he saw Divina. He knows that voice very well! The voice of his Idol. " Justin?!" He asked confused. " Is that you?! Are you in trouble, mate?!"

" I am not your mate." Justin spat out, hurt. His body slowly appeared infront of Niall and Divina. " Not anymore." His head fell down.

" What do you mean?! Is this some kind of a joke?!" Niall laughed nervously. " I mean this girl, she doesn't look real. And you look.....Different. Why am I in your house?! And where is Liam, I left him at the hospital....And most importantly, how did I get here?!"

" I brought you here." Divina whispered, sliding her cold hand over his cheek again.

" Yeah, you! The funny looking chick! The one called Divina!" He said sarcastically. " Seriously though, what kind of name is that?!" She looked innocently into his eyes. " know what?! I don't even remember coming here, or leaving the hospital in the first place! This is weird, just weird."

" You think this is weird?!" Justin snorted. " Wait till you see what happens next, you'll sure pee your pants....Well at least that'll be the last time you ever pee, so that's a good thing. Unlesss you love to pee, then that would suck for you....You like to pee, right? No, of course not. No one likes to pee." Divina and Niall were staring at him, with their mouths open. " Yeah, sorry! Too much pee talk." He rubbed the back of his head. " Anyways, I think you notice how I've been acting lately! Considering that I didn't go to the VMAs and all, and the fact that you bitches won over me." His voice began to rise. " Uhhhh, yeah.....Sorry, mood swings! They tend to get me these days....Because, y'know, I don't get much blood into my system. So that alwa...."

" Wait, WHAT?!" Niall stopped him. " Did you say BLOOD?!"

" Yeah." Justin shrugged his shoulders, but he stopped for a moment, and then he burst out laughing....The Justin Bieber's famous laugh." Duuude! You don't know yet?! The bitch haven't told you?! AHAHAHA that's hilarious."

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