The Sun and The Moon

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Since the beginning of time everyone was born with two tattoos. One that represented them and one that represented their soulmate. The one that represented them was filled in completely with color and the one that represented their soulmate had no color at all. This was so when they met their soulmate, the tattoo would shine and glow and fill in with color all on its own. It was quite the experience for those who have had it happen and for some the experience never comes.
Hoseok stood in front of the full body length mirror in his apartment living room just gazing at the permanent marks etched onto his skin. He softly caressed each one, first focusing his attention towards his tattoo which was placed just above his right hip. Hoseok's tattoo was a sun. A bright, beautiful, and colorful sun with arrays of golds, reds, yellows and oranges shading and filling in the star. Hoseok smiled softly thinking how even fate knew of his sunny personality before he was even born. The people around him had always commented on his sunny disposition all throughout his life. He was also known to be quite the happy infant. Fate knew a lot of things about a lot of people and it always amazed Hoseok how it always seemed to be correct. He then shifted his gaze and his hand to meet with the tattoo placed just above his heart. This tattoo was what appeared as an unfinished moon tattoo. It seemed so simple yet beautiful and mysterious to Hoseok as he wondered each time he looked at the moon. He wondered what personality his soulmate portrayed to have a moon represent them. He wondered many things about who his soulmate was. He also had questions about the day they would meet, if they would ever meet. He was nervous anytime he thought about it which seemed to be often. Hoseok didn't even know if he was gonna meet his soulmate yet or not and this terrified him. What did his soulmate look like? What sorts of things did his soulmate like to do that made them happy? These sorts of questions, along with many more had riddled Hoseok's mind for as long as he can remember because as long as he could remember, he dreamt about the day when meeting his soulmate would finally come.
Namjoon has always appreciated the night. He enjoyed the way almost nobody was out at the darkest hours and how it seemed so much quieter. So peaceful and serene. He enjoyed the mysterious nature of it all. The beautiful creatures that lurked, the soft sounds made by the insects in the grass. He loved everything about it. Namjoon was always a thinker and the night time was when he did his best thinking. It was also at night he did the most thinking about his tattoos. It's not that he didn't think about them during the day, he just felt his mind was more free to roam at night. Namjoon looking up at the sky, he took note of how beautifully bright the full moon was on this particular night. He softly caressed his tattoo with his fingertips which resided on his left bicep which matched with the celestial object in the night sky. Namjoon loved that his tattoo was of a dark, full moon. It was dark black with shades of grey and hints of white to highlight. It was beautiful yet mysterious as Namjoon himself seemed to be. He smiled at the thought of his tattoo perfectly representing him as he loved the night and everything that came with it. He also loved peacefulness and complexity which he also thought the moon represented in him. He then took glance toward the other tattoo. His soulmates tattoo which was of a sun was on the same arm, just closer to his wrist. It seemed odd to Namjoon that he was a moon and his soulmate was a sun. It seemed like the two things were complete opposites and for a while, he didn't even believe his soulmate was real. He believed that since his soulmate represented the sun, that there was some kind of mistake in fates big plan. This did however make him curious. What exactly was his soulmate like? How and when would their first encounter take place? Namjoon didn't know.
Namjoon and Hoseok were both blissfully unaware of each others existence. They lived in the same city, ate at some of the same restaurants, shopped at the same stores but never once did they cross paths with each other. If they had at some point been around each other, their tattoos would not fail to let them know in some way. When soulmates are within close proximity, their tattoos start to glow slightly. Not so much that it's blinding but just enough so it appears as if there is a small but dim flashlight under the persons skin. It would also start tingling so if the person couldn't see it, they would feel it. And by close proximity, it means the two must be in the same room at least. This was why it was so strange that neither of them had met each other. One day, Namjoon decided to go out. Nothing special but he just wanted to treat himself to a nice lunch since he felt like he deserved it. Namjoon ended up at a subway that was about a 15 minute walk from his house. He believed it was a nice day so he thought a walk would be nice. Namjoon has arrived at the subway which wasn't particularly crowded which he was thankful for seeing as he wasn't a very social person. He ordered his sandwich with a drink and sat in the lobby near a window just to enjoy the beautiful day. Namjoon was also the kind of person to observe or people watch. He liked to watch the various different personalities around him. This is exactly what he happened to do as he ate. He watched a young couple joke around and flirt with each other. Namjoon couldn't help but look at their tattoos which were all completely filled in. He sighed to himself as he took another bite. He wondered at what point he would feel like that. He wondered at what point his blank sun tattoo would be filled in and he would know about the one he's meant to be with. Once he was finished with lunch, he threw away his trash and headed to use the restroom before making his way back home. As he finished and walked out, he began to feel something strange. A sort of tingling sensation is what he felt as he glanced down at his sun tattoo that had began to show a slight glow underneath his skin. The tattoo had slowly began to fill with color as Namjoon looked up to see a man with bright red hair staring back at him with a glowing moon tattoo near his heart.
A stated before, Hoseok was very much a day person. He enjoyed spending the day just walking around the city, watching people and potentially introducing himself in the process. He just never woke up too early and on this particular day, he woke up feeling a strange gut feeling. He felt like something good was going to happen today, he just didn't know what. Hoseok rubbed his eyes a little glancing at the clock saying 11:30 AM. He sighed but that sigh was quickly replaced with a squeal because he felt good about today. Maybe today will be the day Hoseok thought to himself as he got dressed in a tank top and shorts seeing as it was particularly warm out today. He stood in front of his mirror fixing his red hair and looking at the tattoo by his heart. He smiled at the thought that maybe today would be the day it was going to be filled in. Although he thought that everyday, the gut feeling he woke up with made him feel today would be different. His feelings were proven correct as he walked into a subway for lunch. Hoseok for some reason felt like subway for lunch which is why he came here. What he didn't expect to feel though was a tingling sensation where his soulmates tattoo was residing as he walked in the door. He looked down at the tattoo and noticed it started glowing and filling in just a bit with color. Hoseok looked up to see a man with blonde hair walking out of the bathroom and gasped when he saw the sun tattoo on his wrist that was exactly the same as his own. The two men looked up at each other with looks of wonder and shock as they slowly moved closer to each other, their tattoos burning brighter with each step they took.

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