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Namjoon had been staring at his phone for what seemed like forever. He had practically almost bumped into everyone on his way walking home. Namjoon couldn't help but smile at the contact name that Hoseok has put in for himself. He thought it was cute and amazing how easily confident his soulmate seemed to be. He thought it was a mystery why someone who seemed as confident as Hoseok was meant to be with someone like him. Namjoon was more of a reserved type of person and always had been. He really didn't know why fate decided this match was best. Namjoon thought maybe it was an opposites attract sort of thing and that they had a lot more in common than he had originally theorized. He wanted to wait and text Hoseok because he didn't want to seem too excited or overly enthusiastic about wanting to meet up again. He didn't know what to do so he decided to text his best friend Seokjin who had been with his soulmate Jungkook for 3 years. Namjoon knew Seokjin would be able to at least give some sort of advice on the subject because Seokjin was a lot more confident than he was. Namjoon texted his best friend to come over if he wasn't busy. As usual, Seokjin replied that he was on his way. That's what Namjoon liked about his best friend. He was always there when he needed him to be. They had always been so close and always will be. Namjoon thought back to the time he had first met Seokjin which was at a bowling alley a few years ago. They had both been feeling extra competitive that evening and sure enough they kept playing each other over and over because neither one could stand to lose to the other. "Loser of this game buys winner pizza,"Seokjin smirks looking at Namjoon. "You're on," Namjoon agreed and shook his hand. Although Jin lost, he didn't mind. He was still a little envious but they both had fun. This was the start of what many believed to be a great friendship. Namjoon had been lost in a train of thought when he heard Seokjin knocking at the front door. "The king has arrived,"Seokjin declares as he walks in the door. Namjoon rolls his eyes but smiles as he closed the door behind him. "So what did you need me over here for," Seokjin asked sitting on the recliner chair in the corner. "I uhh," Namjoon struggled finding the words. "I met my soulmate today and he gave me his number. I want to text him but I don't want to seem too clingy," Namjoon said quickly but it was enough for Seokjin to hear what he had said. Namjoon felt the wind being knocked out of him as Seokjin tackled him with a hug. "Oh my god that's so amazing. Can I see your tattoo," Seokjin asks and Namjoon shows his now colored in sun tattoo on his wrist. Seokjin looked at the way the colors beautifully blended together and gasped. He was happy for his best friend. "I'm so happy for you. I remember what it was like when I met Kook for the first time,"Seokjin reminisces on the day he met his soulmate. "What do I do? I want to text him but I'm terrified he'll think I'm being annoying,"Namjoon spoke with a timid tone of voice. "Just text him. He's your soulmate after all. Fate has never been wrong,"Seokjin reassures his best friend. "Hey we should all go on a double date. That would be so cute,"Seokjin speaks again as Namjoon pulls up "Hoseokie ❤️" in his contacts. "Hey it's your soulmate here. I never introduced myself. I'm Namjoon by the way. You can call me Joon if you want 💜 Did you want to meet up and properly talk again?" Namjoon typed the text and hesitated to send. "Just send it. Or I'll send him one of your nudes that I know you have somewhere," Seokjin taunted making his best friend laugh. Namjoon presses send and was nervously awaiting his soulmates response. "I don't know why I'm so nervous. Fate chose us to be together for a reason. I'm just nervous he won't like me or maybe I'll scare him away,"Namjoon rambles on causing Seokjin to slap him across the face. Namjoon held his cheek. "Ouch,"He mumbles in pain. "Calm down and stop worrying," Seokjin reassures his best friend but Namjoon couldn't help but feel extremely nervous. He couldn't help but think that his soulmate would find a way to hate him or find something to hold against him. These thoughts were soon interrupted by Namjoons text tone going off. He looked down at the new message "I'd love to see your beautiful face again 💜 Joonie" Hoseoks message read. Namjoon was blushing furiously and Seokjin wouldn't stop teasing him. "Aww he called you Joonie,"Seokjin teases making Namjoon blush even harder.

A million thoughts were running though Hoseok's head. Most of them were about Namjoon. Hoseok still was in shock over meeting his soulmate and also at the fact he himself was so confident and flirtatious. Hoseok has never really been very flirty with anyone but something about meeting his soulmate made him feel powerful and happy. He was always happy but this was a different kind of happy. He felt butterflies thinking about Namjoon even though their first encounter had happened only moments prior. Hoseok was daydreaming about his soulmates , well everything. He was curious about his soulmates everything. On his walk home from lunch, Hoseok was thinking about these things and more. Once he was home, he heard his phone going off with a text from an unknown number but he smiled when he read the message. "Hey it's your soulmate here. I never introduced myself. I'm Namjoon by the way. You can call me Joon if you want 💜 Did you want to meet up and properly talk again?". Hoseok started to feel heat rise in his cheeks and a smile tugging at his lips. How did Hoseok respond? Did he respond flirtatiously or did he respond like he didn't care? He never really had this dilemma when answering text messages but with this, he didn't have a clue. Hoseok decided to just type out a message and send it without really thinking about his soulmates response.  "I'd love to see your beautiful face again 💜 Joonie" Hoseok types out and hesitates for a few seconds. He hadn't even hit send yet but he was already anticipating what Namjoon would say. He was already excited to meet Namjoon again even though they haven't really made any plans. Hoseok hit send without another thought and saved Namjoon's number under "Joonie 💜". He really did think Namjoon was beautiful and he really did think he was extremely lucky to have him for a soulmate. Hoseok realized he had just been standing in the middle of his kitchen since he arrived home so he went to his room. He plopped backwards onto his bed sighing happily at the thought he was going to see Namjoon again. Hoseok's phone beeped with a new message and looked to see it was from Namjoon. "I can't wait handsome. 😊 Where should we meet?" Hoseok read the new message and smiled. "He called me handsome,"Hoseok whispered to himself, smiling like an idiot.

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