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After what seemed like millennia, the two were standing a mere three feet apart in the middle of the subway lobby. They both felt eyes on them from ten few people who were there. Hoseok stood there not knowing what to say or what to do. In this moment he had began to felt nervous in the presence of Namjoon. He felt a nervous pit in his stomach but it was sort of an excited nervous. He hadn't pictured ever meeting his soulmate in a subway. Then again, Hoseok never really thought he was going to meet his soulmate at all because as he recalls, some people end up never meeting their soulmates. Hoseok just thought he would end up being one of those people. He thought he would end up being alone for the rest of his life because even though he was a very outgoing and sunny person, he didn't believe anybody would fall in love with him. He didn't really have a whole lot of hope but even the little hope he had was enough for him to believe in the slightest he was destined to meet his soulmate. Hoseok has always wondered what his sun tattoo would look like on another person. He wondered what the colors would look like on another skin tone that differed from his own even in the slightest. He finally had that opportunity to look at Namjoons wrist where the sun tattoo was now completely filled in with bright colors. It amazed Hoseok how he felt like he was seeing the tattoo for the first time. He had looked at his own almost everyday for his entire life but looking at it on Namjoon felt like it was his first time looking at it. "Shall we sit," Namjoon offers since they had just been standing there in silence, both obviously flabbergasted at each other's presence.
Namjoon, like Hoseok, has stood there with a feeling of nervousness in the pit of his stomach. He knew that fate would eventually lead him to Hoseok but why here? Why of all places did it have to be a subway? Why today too? It seemed so random to Namjoon that fate had them meeting in a subway but nevertheless, Namjoon was happy that he had come to this specific subway. Nobody, not even Namjoon could have pictured meeting their soulmate here yet here he was, standing a mere few feet away from his soulmate. He didn't know how to react or what to say and usually Namjoon is very smart but for some reason he felt like he didn't know a thing. All he could really do was look at Hoseoks tattoo that had now been filled in. He stared in awe as he took in the shape, the colors, and admired everything about it being on someone else. Namjoon couldn't help but think about why him and Hoseok were supposed to be fated soulmates and if there was a reason fate made them wait so long to meet. He also knew he was lucky. He knew that there was a possibility this chance never would have come. "Shall we sit," Namjoon offers, breaking the silence and also because they were standing in the middle of the lobby.
"So this is unexpected," Hoseok laughed a little as they sat down. "Yeah," Namjoon agrees sitting across from the red haired man. They obviously had questions. There wasn't really any tension in the air but from the looks they were getting, the potential for tension was obviously there. Neither of them had any clue really what to say. They had both been dreaming of this day and curious to get to know who their soulmate was. "Tell me about yourself. I'm curious to see why a sun would represent you," Namjoon speaks up getting Hoseoks attention. Hoseok has been distracted and thinking of many questions he wanted to ask. "Oh umm,"Hoseok stumbled with his words. "I basically grew up here. Everyone around me knows I am a very social person. I love to be out during the day and make new friends. It sometimes sucks because people can be mean," Hoseok dropped his head. "People really do suck. But Im sure anybody would be lucky to have you as a friend. I mean look at me, we're soulmates according to fate," Namjoon says earning a laugh from Hoseok. "So what about you? The moon seems like a mysterious figure to have represent you," Hoseok turns the question back to Namjoon who was looking at his moon tattoo on Hoseoks chest. "I guess I really enjoy the night time. The peace and quiet of it all and how I think better at night for some reason,"Namjoon answers his question. "The moon seems so mysterious yet beautiful which seems fitting," Hoseok casually flirts causing Namjoon to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. "I have to go home now but how about we meet up again sometime? I'll give you my number. Give me your phone," Hoseok asks and Namjoon willingly gives it to him. Hoseok enters his number under "Hoseokie ❤️" and gives it back to Namjoon. "Text me,"Hoseok says before walking up to the counter and ordering a sandwich which was his entire purpose of coming here. He looks back to see Namjoon smiling at his phone and walks out with a huge smile on his face.

A/N: I really hope you like the story so far. I have no clue how updates are gonna work but I'm gonna try and keep it to once a week, maybe twice.

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