The arcade

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Shit! He asked me out

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Shit! He asked me out. Well, no, he didn't. We always go to the arcade because it's my favorite place in the world, so it's not like it's special. There's no way he wants to go on a date with me, right? Kuroo's cool and I'm so... lame. Still, it feels like a date.

The next day.

I'm so nervous, what am I gonna wear? I can do this, it's only 18:04, I have plenty of time to decide. I think about taking a shower, but then get too lazy about it to actually do it. I'll just put on some clean clothes, so at least I won't smell. I go look into my closet and... there's nothing in there. Ugh! Stupid mom! She didn't wash any of my clothes.

"MOOOOOOM!" I scream.

"What's wrong, angel?" she answers from the
living room.

"I don't have any clean clothes to wear. It's all your fault."

"Honey, you always tell me not to come into your room. How am I supposed to wash your clothes if I can't pick them up from your room AND YOU DON'T GIVE THEM TO ME?"

Oh, no. Now she's mad. She keeps on shouting but I close the door so I can't hear her. It's better to ignore her when she's like this. I decide to go out wearing what I have on right now: a black Arctic Monkeys T-shirt and red gym shorts. Kuroo likes red. Maybe he'll like me, too.

When I hear the doorbell ringing it's 20:01. Thank God! I was starting to get worried. I come out of my room to get to Kuroo and see my dad on the couch typing something on his laptop. I guess he's working. Yuck.

"Bye, dad," I say.

"Where are you going?"

"To the arcade with Kuro."

"I'm so glad you're going out. Love you, son."

Ew, why does he have to be so gross? When I get to the entrance, I see that Mom has answered the door.

"Tetsu-chan," she's saying. "You're way too kind for my little demon."

"MOM!" I say. God, she's embarrassing me in front of my crush. I take a look at my childhood best friend. His hair is perfect, like always, and he's wearing a fancy shirt and jeans. He's so hot. Like always.

"Kenma's not a demon. He's an angel. C'mon, let's go," he says, making me blush.

On our way to the arcade we talk about the games we're gonna play when we get there and it's beautiful, the way it always is with Kuroo. I wish we could be more than friends, but I think he's into girls. Actually, I'm pretty sure I heard him say he has a thing for girls with long hair. And it's fine, I'm okay being his best friend, his teammate, I just wish — Oh, here we are.

The arcade. I love this place.

I hear Kuroo call out to me. "Kenma! Let's go play Street Fighter!"

We play and play and I beat him every time.
"You suck at this," I tell him.

"Alright, well," he says, like he's offended, but I can see he's actually amused. "If you're gonna make fun of me, go play by yourself. I'll grab us something to eat."

He leaves. I kind of hate him for leaving me alone. I start looking for some game I can play by myself, when someone yells, "KENMA!"

I turn around and it's... Hinata Shoyo.

"Oh, hi, Shoyo."

"I'm so glad to see you!" he says, and hugs me tight. "It's been so long!"


Without letting go of me he starts rambling, "I found a lot of games that are fun to play. Have you tried them all? Is that even possible? I think we should play something together right now and —"

He stops, because a hand takes him by the collar and drags him off of me. It's Kuroo. He's smiling creepily. "Hey, it's Hinata! How are you, man? What are you doing here in Tokyo?"

Hinata starts waving animatedly. "I came to visit some relatives and, and, I came here with my cousins so I guess I'm gonna go now. Itwasniceseeingyoubye."

Weird. I think Kuroo might have scared him away.

"I got you cotton candy," he tells me when Hinata's gone.

I feel a pang in my chest. He's so sweet, he remembered I hate healthy food.


Suddenly, he grabs my wrist and drags me outside in a dark corner. What the hell? Does he want to kill me?

"Kuro, you're freaking me out."

"Sorry, sorry, it's just..." he takes a deep breath. "You look so cute tonight. Such a cute little kitten. And seeing you with Hinata, I can't — I need to—"

Then he kisses me. Am I dreaming? His lips are soft and taste sugary and warm. I'm in heaven.

"Sorry," he says again. "I got jealous."

"It's... it's ok," I tell him. It's more than ok. It's fucking fantastic.

"You've always been by my side and seeing someone else hold you... it hurt, 'cause I want to be able to do that, all the time. Kenma, I think I'm in love with you."

His words are so loving, I can't help but burst into tears. "I feel the same, Kuro. I have always felt the same."

"Aw, don't cry, baby, I'm here," he says, holding my face and wiping away my tears. When I calm down he asks me, "What do you say, pudding head, boyfriends?"

I smile at him. "Boyfriends."

Kenma's outfit in this one-shot was inspired by ghost_blue — keep up the good work!
Also, this is a birthday gift for my big sister, who turns 20 today. Happy birthday, bitch! 🖕🏻

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