Chapter 3

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I open my eyes and yawn the biggest yawn. I find a crisp packet on top of me as I flick it onto the ground. I turn over from where I am laid and see another person next to me, causing a slight shock to the system. After wiping my dreary eyes, I realise it's Laxus sleeping next to me. I sit up in the pile of snack packets and wrappers that are scattered around us and remember the night before when we were staying up late in the home made fort. Memories of events that occurred over the last couple of days are still raw, but spending time with Laxus has softened the blow and I don't feel as upset and negative as I did yesterday. I nudge Laxus' arm as he still appears to be asleep.

"Laxus, it's morning." I say softly as I rock his arm.

I hear Laxus grumble quietly and notice that he is still fast asleep.

"Laxus." I say a bit louder.

I continue to watch him as his eyes slowly open and look at me.

"Hey Freed, I forgot where I was for a minute." Laxus chuckled drowsily as he sat up on the sofa.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty well actually. What about you?" Laxus asks.

"I slept better than what I thought I would." I reply.

"That's good, the fort idea must've helped." Laxus replies with a smile.

I hear the door open suddenly as Master Makarov walks in to check on us. Shock is written across his face.

"What on Earth is this! Why are there snack wrappers everywhere?" Master questions with disagreement in his voice.

Like a turtle, I hid in my shell. I didn't want Master Makarov to be angry with me. I shouldn't have come up with the fort idea.

"Sorry Gramps, this was my fault. I just wanted to cheer Freed up." Laxus explains cooly.

He took on the blame himself. Why?

Master Makarov sighs as he picks up the wrappers that are scattered everywhere.

"If you kids were hungry then you should've just asked, I could've knocked up something for you both. Eating excessive amounts of these treats are bad for you." Master explains.

"Sorry." Both me and Laxus apologise sincerely.

"It's fine, it just means that I'll have to go shopping again. I've phoned your mum Laxus, she's worried about you and wants you to come home." Master says.

"I wanna stay here though." Laxus replies.

"You can come back here later, she doesn't have a problem with that, but she wants to make sure you are alright. Your dad is out at the moment so you might want to get home now and sort things out before coming back." Master explains.

"Fine. I'll catch ya later Freed." Laxus says as he gets up from the sofa and slings his bag over his shoulder before leaving the room.

"See ya." I reply quietly.

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Laxus, there's clearly concerning matters going on with his family at the moment. I wonder how he's coping with it all?

"Right, get dressed Freed and come down for breakfast. Once you've done that then you can go to the guildhall until Laxus turns up." Master instructs.

"Okay. Is Laxus alright? I noticed that he had marks on his back yesterday." I say with concern.

"He did huh? It's not really my place to say anything Freed and after everything you've been through I don't think it's a good idea that I say anything either. Laxus is also going through a rough time, you arriving here might just be that little glimmer of peace that he needs right now. If Laxus is comfortable, he'll tell you what's going on, but let him say it in his own time." Master explains.

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