Chapter 17

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Another day has arrived with the sun shining brightly, streams of light appearing through the gap in the curtains of my room. I push the duvet off me and open the curtains to see the sunshine bouncing off the frosty windows and icy paths, signaling the start of a new season. Winter has arrived and with winter comes one of the most important events in the Fairy Tail calendar, the S-Class trials.

After getting dressed and putting on a huge, black, wool jacket and a pair of black boots, I dash out of Master Makarov's house and run to the guild hall... well, I say run... I actually slipped up on the ice and slid across the pavement until I bumped into...


I open my eyes and see that Laxus fell down with me as we continue sliding along the pavement, still grabbing hold of each other.

"Oh no!" We both say loudly as a massive pile of snow is waiting in front of us.

We braced ourselves for impact as we shot into the snow pile together.

I popped out of the snow, Laxus following after. Laxus didn't look best impressed, so I thought throwing a snowball at him would cheer him up... I shortly found out after that I was wrong.

Laxus looks at me grumpily with snow covering his hair.

I try brushing off the snow, but it doesn't seem to help the situation.

"I'm sorry, would you like a hu-"

Slam! Before I could finish my sentence, a pile of icy cold snow covered my face.

"Payback." Laxus replied with a grin.

Ordinarily, I should be angry or upset at him for treating me like that, but in actuality, I saw this as a moment between us.

I throw another snowball at Laxus and he does the same as we enjoy playing in the snow like we did a few years ago.

"Come on, let's get you up. Don't you know better than to run on a slippery surface?" Laxus questions with a grin as he got up, grabbed my hand and helped me off the ground.

"I know, but I was excited, it's S-Class candidate day." I say enthusiastically as I brush myself down.

"Okay, I'll let you off just this once, but don't do it again, you might break something next time. And no more snowballs." Laxus advises as we stroll towards the guild hall.

"Okay." I grin.

The atmosphere inside the building is incredible, pretty much every single guild member is here and they are all buzzing about who will be picked to participate in this amazing opportunity.

"Hey Freed!" I hear someone call.

I scan the guild hall and see Cana jumping up and down, waving her hand to get my attention. Me and Laxus meandered through the crowd to meet up with Cana and also bump into Evergreen, Bickslow and Gray.

"Hey you guys, isn't this exciting?" Cana says with a bright smile.

"Yeah, I wonder who is strong enough to be picked?" Gray asks.

"I don't know, but we've got to remember that it's not entirely based on brute strength, it also depends on our hearts and looking out for those who mean the most to us." I explain.

"Freed, you should be a life coach, you seem to have a lot of advice that sounds like it is taken out of a soppy romance movie." Laxus jests.

"C'mon Laxus." I sigh whilst nudging him with my elbow.

As the guild's excitement for the special yearly event continues to grow, the loud chatter is instantly hushed to whispers and then silence as Master Makarov is stood on the stage, waiting to give a big announcement of the contestants.

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