Chapter Twenty Six

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*Two Weeks Later*

Lanie balanced the tea tray carefully in her arms, making sure she didn't drop the ancient Ming teapot currently filled with Oolong tea. There were some almond cookies baked by Charles and some fresh cherries from the orchard also on the plate that she carefully set down on the front porch between her mother and grandmother. 

"Thank you dear," Nainai said.

"Mulan dear, come here," her mother patted the chair next to her and Lanie sat patiently while her mother leaned forward and straightened her necklace. It was the dragon necklace Nainai had given to her for her graduation. Since Lanie had gotten back from the Capital she hadn't taken it off, nor had she left her parent's side after filling them in on everything that happened. When she got back she told them everything about being in the DA and going undercover and saving the President. There was a lot of crying involved and a lot of heart-to-heart moments but there was no yelling anymore. No one blamed anyone for anything that had happened over the past five years but there was a lot to make up for.

"I found it! I found the picture book!" Her father announced proudly, emerging from the house holding a bright purple binder bursting with Polaroids and printed photographs. Since their re-connection, the Fa family had spent a lot of time going over the past while they repaired the present to look forward to the future. And a lot of it involved embarrassing photos at tea time.

Lanie laughed and moved over so her father could sit next to his wife. Nainai poured four cups of tea and Lanie popped an almond cookie in her mouth. It melted like butter and she immediately reached for another when her phone alarm went off, reminding her of her afternoon walk time.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Damn physical training. I'll just take a quick walk through the gardens, okay?" Lanie stood, brushing the crumbs off her skirt. Lanie's body had taken on a bit more damage than she'd originally thought, and after surgery to repair some of the muscles around her rib cage, Lanie had been doing some physical training once a week and some exercises at home like walking around the gardens. She didn't want to overexert herself, but she missed being able to move like she used to. 

"Hurry along dear, I think these are your baby pictures!" Her dad laughed and Lanie rolled her eyes.

"I can't wait." She walked through the round door that led out to the rock garden and over the little creak into the cherry orchards. There were still some blossoms left on the trees, enough to fill the air with a faint sweet scent that always made Lanie want to curl up and take a nap. Lanie curved in and out of the trees, plucking up weeds and watching the birds pick up the fallen cherries as she walked. It was serene and beautiful and Lanie felt more at peace with herself than she had in a very long time.

"She's right through there..." Lanie heard faintly and her head snapped up towards the gate. Shang stepped through the doorway into the garden and began walking towards her, no emotion on his face. She glanced down at her white lace crop top, bright yellow maxi skirt, and sandals and felt out of place from how she always looked around him. Although in her defense Shang was in a polo, khakis, and loafers. It was disarming to see him so... Casual.

"Uh, hi," he mumbled, pushing aside a branch. Lanie stared at him, tongue-tied and unable to form any words and he seemed to be having the same problem as they just stood there and stared. "You, uh, there's some paperwork you need to sign?" He held out a folder filled with papers and Lanie raised her eyebrow.

"You came all the way out here to ask me to sign papers?"

His face flushed and he shrugged. "I just... You left so quickly and Po and Linc and Yao were just all over you and I never- we never-"

"Shang," Lanie reached out and touched his arm softly. "I owe you a massive apology and an even longer explanation. There's so much I need to tell you so I'll try for a brief synopsis?" He nodded slowly, so she continued. "I was a trained assassin for five years for a secret government organization tasked with eliminating issues before they begin, like the HUNS. I was told to go undercover in your unit to take out a threat to the country. That threat was eliminated but I couldn't leave. So I stayed. And I lied to you. I lied to every single person in my life. But I helped a lot of people, and I learned a lot and I wouldn't take back anything except not telling you the truth from the moment you made me your second in command. And I'm sorry."

Shang stared at her, blinking. "Trained assassin?"

Lanie laughed and hooked her arm through his and began leading him up the path towards her house where her family was watching, whispering to each other.

"How about you stay for dinner, hmm? I think we can all make it make sense for you. Charles is making some classic Chinese dishes for dinner; he studied in Singapore a few summers ago."

"You have a personal chef?" Shang asked and Lanie laughed. 

She saw her grandmother smile and called out, "would you like to stay forever?"

"Like I said, a lot to explain. So how about we start from the beginning? Hello, my name is Mulan Fa and I'm standing in front of one of the most incredible men I've ever met whose forgiveness I do not deserve." She stopped walking and held out her hand and Shang laughed.

"Hello, my name is Shang Li and I'm staring at someone I am completely convinced could take over the world and no one would be any the wiser. And she will get my forgiveness, over and over again." He shook her hand, squeezing her palm tightly in his. Lanie squeezed back just as hard and he grinned, wrapping his arm around her waist as they made their way up the porch steps. He couldn't wait to get to know the real Mulan.

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