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The guy at the norebang is looking at you funny. 
"You want the smallest, cheapest room? A room for two people... for a party of ten?"
Felix nods. 
"You're all going to fit?"
"I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!" Chan pipes up from the back.
The guy rolls his eyes. "Yeah, not sure we can do that."
Hyunjin steps up to the guy. He's taller than him by a good five inches, and the guy shrinks down. (y'all Hyunjin is 5'10?!!)
"It doesn't affect you. We won't trash the room, and we're all underage so we won't drink."
"Aww..." Jisung whines. 
"Just let us use the room for an hour." Hyunjin says.
The guy sighs, deeply and dramatically, but hands over the key.
Hyunjin nods as a thank you. 
"Come on."

"Wow, you really helped us out back there." You say to Hyunjin while Minho and Jisung are belting out an extra-raunchy version of Twice's "Knock Knock" (YALL THIS SONG IS DIRTY IM SORRY.)
Hyunjin nods. 
"Wow, a man of few words, huh?" You laugh awkwardly.
He nods again.
"Good thing I like the strong and silent type then." 'Oh my god did I really just say that? Get it together Y/N!'
Hyunjin turns to face you, a slight smirk on his face. "You don't want to get mixed up with me, love."
You gulp. "What.. what do you mean?"
"Hey! Y/N! Come sing for us!" Jeongin calls from the song book.
"Yeah, how about Wet? By Jessi?" Chan winks, making Minho and Jisung hoot.
You flush. "I..."
"She won't do it." Hyunjin states, examining his nails.
"Why not?" You glance at him, irritated that he thinks he knows you.
"You just won't." He challenges, staring right into your eyes.
"Give me the mic." You thrust out your hand to Woojin, who blushes and hands you the microphone.
"Dance, too!" Yells Jisung. 
"Perv." Minho teases.
"Just hit play." You roll your eyes.
"Hey! You need a partner for this!" Jeongin calls. "Felix, get up there with her! You can rap!"
Felix flushes. "I'm not so sure..."
"Or Hyunjin can do it." Jeongin smirks.
Felix jumps onto the stage, grabbing the other mic. "Let's do it."
"Yeeaah! Make it sexy!" Chan hollers from the coach.
You and Felix avoid eye contact as the music begins to play.
You hadn't realized how dirty the lyrics are, but you still rap them confidently as they come on the screen.
"We getting lit, boy I'ma make it lit
Slip into your pants, I'ma make it quick
Drippin down, pull my waist with a grip..."
You look over at Felix, who's grinning nervously.
"See me in the whip and she going down, all around
Run it, run it, touch it down to the ground
Hit it from the back, hundred racks on the track let it stack
She wants me to whip it, whipt it fast holler back"

He raps, his voice deep and raspy.
You guys get more confident as you go on, teasing each other and getting real close. The song ends and you guys bow, faces flushed with adrenaline. 
"That was awesome!" The guys cheer. 
"Sooo hot." Chan laughs.
"Minho, will you sing like that to me?" Jisung pouts, getting a flick to the forehead from the other.
You look over to where Hyunjin is sitting, an angry look on his face. You walk over to him, smirking.
"Thought I wouldn't do it, huh?" 
Hyunjin doesn't say anything, just stares at you for a moment and then...
Pulls you into a kiss. 
It isn't a sweet kiss, either, it's deep and full of passion. And tongue. (EW)
A few moments later, he breaks the kiss to hollering from the boys.
Chan is cracking up, and Woojin is covering Jeongins eyes. 
"You let me see the dance but not a kiss? Hyung, I've watched worse!" He protests.
"JEONGIN!" Woojin screeches.
Chan falls to the floor with laughter.
Your face is red, and you look back at Hyunjin.
"You like the silent type, huh?" He whispers in your ear, breath hot against your neck.
You shiver, but act like he doesn't faze you. "Yes."
"Go out with me then." 

hey guys! i changed it from truth or dare to norebang, hope you don't mind. how's hyunjins boldness? also i reccommend listening to the song Wet by Jessi and Flowsik.

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