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"Oh, hey, uh, baby!" You say, scratching your neck nervously. "Hyun, this is my boyfriend, Hyunjin."
You plead with your eyes for your best friend to play along. "Baby, this is my best friend, Kim Hyun."
"Hi! Yeah, uh, Rae Rae was just talking about how her friend has a crush on her but she doesn't like him, she loves you haha." Your friend laughs weakly.
You turn to your lover, shaking softly beneath your long-sleeve t-shirt.
'Don't say anything...'
"Mhm. Nice to meet you, Kim Hyun. Yoo Rae, I left my wallet in my car. Would you mind coming to get it with me?" Hyunjin says, grabbing ahold of your wrist. 

You know it will make things worse if you refuse, but the fear of the punishment is too strong.

"Um. Maybe I'll just, stay here. With Hyun?" You whisper.
Wrong answer.
Hyunjin leans in close to your ear, a smile still plastered on his face, his eyes dark and black. He truly is the most terrifying thing you've ever seen.
"I think maybe you're just gonna come with me." He hisses in your ear.
"Kim Hyun, was it?" Hyunjin says a little louder. "Yoo Raes not feeling well, I'm going to take her home."
Your stomach sinks to your knees. This is a line Hyunjin often pulled when you were deserving a big punishment.
"Bye, Hyun." You whisper weakly, feeling Hyunjin pull you away by your arm.
"I'll call you??" Hyun calls after you.
You feel like it's not worth it. You're done for. Maybe you can calm him down on the way home, make him less angry.

But Hyunjin doesn't wait until he's home. He doesn't even let you get in the car. He shoves you up against the car, slamming your head onto the passenger seat window.
"Care to explain to me what's going on?" Hyunjin says, weirdly calm.
"I...I..." You struggle to come up with a lie fast enough.
"You? You?" Hyunjin grabs your throat and turns your head toward him. (none of y'all kinky fucks better say anything)
"I just..."
"What? What did 'you just' do?"
"I slept with Felix." You sigh, and that's the last thing you remember before you're blacked out.

"Yoo Rae?? Yoo Rae!?" You hear as you shake yourself awake.
"Omigosh you're awake!!!" Your best friend launches herself onto your lap, making you groan. "Oops."
"This is going to sound totally cliche, but where am I?"
"Don't you remember? You're in the hospital..."
The day comes flashing back to you. Shopping with Hyun, telling her about Felix, telling Hyunjin about Felix... Hyunjin.
"Wheres Hyunjin?" You panic, jolting up in the hospital bed.
"Easy, girl. Hes in a holding house."
"H-holding house? Why is he there?"
"... Seriously, Yoo Rae?"
"Hes in there for assault."
"And battery. Rae, you could've died."
Died? no...
"Yes, Rae." Your best friend says, as if reading your mind. "One strong blow to the head and you're done for."
But he wouldn't have...
"But you're going to be fine!" Hyun says. She always had the tendency to make big things seem like little things.  (thats why shes so picky when it comes to guys lmao 👀)
"Anyway, wanna tell me what the fuck happened?"
"Oh... Well he's been hitting me for awhile..."
Hyun sighs in exasperation. "No, bitch. I mean, yeah, we should probably talk about that at some point, but like, I wanna know... Who the fuck was that dude?? He said he was your boyfriend, but... Thats not who you described to me.
He's fine, don't get me wrong, but like. Whos Felix?"
"Oh... So, you see..." How do I say this without seeming like an asshole... "I sorta... Cheated? On Hyunjin with Lix..."
You expect your best friend to slap you, but maybe its the fact that you're hospitalized, or that your boyfriend? Ex? Is in a holding house awaiting a trail, or maybe shes just genuinely proud of you, but Hyun just goes, "Yes bitch! Get that d!"
"Hyunnn," you flush with embarrassment.
"Okay, okay. Anyway, I have to go... I feel really bad but I'll see you later?"
"Yeah, Hyun. See ya."
"Bye!" The short girl gets up and runs out the door, nearly colliding with someone walking into the room. Hes tall and has orange hair and- "Felix?"
The boy smiles sheepishly.
Hyun stands in the background, mouth wide open like a fish. "Thats him?!" She mouths.
You stiffle a giggle and nod. "Shoo." You mouth back. She leaves and you turn your attention back to your boyfriend.
"Hey, Yoo Rae, can we talk?"

insomnia ( a lee felix fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now