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The party ends up being bigger than you thought it would be. You instantly feel bad for dragging Hyunjin along, but the thought slowly fades as you remember what happened earlier.
'Maybe he's getting sick...' You think to yourself. 'He always gets grumpy when he's sick.'
Your hand finds Hyunjins, who has his other arm wrapped around your waist.
"I'm sorry." You say to him. "I didn't think there would be this many people."
Hyunjin just nods. 
'Oookay then.' 
"Hey! Y/N!" You turn around to see a bright, brace-covered smile.
"Hey, Innie!" You say. "Aren't you a little young to be at a college party?"
The maknae pouts. "You're only a year older than me! And Felix is nineteen too."
"He is?" You laugh. "How come you guys aren't in the same grade then?"
"Felix is smart." Jeongin shrugs. "He finished his high school credits a year early, so he takes classes at the university."
"Oh." You say. "I didn't know that."
Behind you, Hyunjin sighs. "Baby, let's go sit down somewhere."
You nod, and wave by to Jeongin. 

You guys are only on the couch for a few moments when someone else comes up to you.
"Hi, Hyunjin." Chaeyeon  giggles as she looks back to her friends.
"Hi." Hyunjin looks up at the girl.
"I was wondering..." She giggles again. "If you'd like to dance with me?"
Hyunjin thinks for a moment.
'Oh, he's not going to do it, I'm right here!'
"Fine." Hyunjin stands and takes the girls hand, not saying anything to you.
You stare at him, mouth agape.
"Hey, gorgeous!" Your friend Marshall stands above you.
"Marshall, oh my gosh!" You squeal, jumping up to hug him. "I didn't know you came back to Korea!" 
"Yeah, girl! I thought I might meet some people here, so I decided to show! And look at that fine piece of ass." Marshall grins, pointing across the floor to where Woojin is standing.
"Omg, I know him! But I think he's taken..." You say, thinking of Chan.
The man tsks. "Damn, all the fine ones are either straight, or taken. Anyway, how about you? You got a man?"
You nod, pointing to where Hyunjin is dancing boredly with Chaeyeon. "That's my boyfriend."
"Wait, for real?" Marshall asks. "Then why's he dancing with another chick?" 
You shrug. "I dunno. He probably didn't want to be rude and refuse, I guess." 
"Well then, we shall fight fire with fire, because you are looking hot! Dance with me, girl!"
You laugh at your old friends antics. "Sure, why not."
You were on the dance floor for no longer than three minutes before a hand yanks you away from Marshall. 
"Y/N, babe, let's go." Hyunjin says through a strained smile.
"Wh-what? But we just got here!"
"I said, let's go." He drags you out the door.
"Bye, Marshall!" You yell over your shoulder.

"What was that." Hyunjin says on the way home, his eyes never leaving the road.
"You dragging me out the door like I'm a child? I don't know, what was that?"
Hyunjin grinds his teeth together. "Who were you dancing with."
"My old friend, Marshall. Who were you dancing with? It certainly wasn't Chaeyeon, the prettiest girl on campus, was it?"
Hyunjin growls. "What I do is none of your business. You flirting with other men is mine."
You laugh incredulously. "Babe, he's GAY!"
Your boyfriend scoffs. "Sure he is."
"He was wearing a miniskirt?! He was singing 'Born This Way'?! He literally was making out with a dude right in front of you?!"
Hyunjin doesn't say anything.
"Oh, yeah. Give me the silent treatment. Reeeal mature, Jin."
You don't see him lift his hand, you just hear the connect of his hand with your cheek and the warmth of the blood vessels that popped.
"Don't talk to me like that."
You don't say anything, but an involuntary whimper escapes your throat when he raises his hand to put it back on the steering wheel.
"Don't worry, babe." Hyunjin's voiced is laced with venom, dripping with the poison. "I'm not going to hit you. I know how you can make it up to me." 

Characters added- Chaeyeon from DIA and Marshall aka MRSHLL, a (yes, gay,) solo artist.I took out the smut scene cuz oof, sorry :/also i don't really like the way i portrayed mrshll, so feel free to tell me if y'all don't either

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