Chapter 11

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I made it to Skylar's. Someone was walking into the building and I managed to catch up to them. They held the door open for me. I thanked them and tried to remember Skylar's apartment number. It suddenly clicked, and I made my way to the elevator. Pressing the button, I felt the elevator lurch as the doors closed.

As I got to her floor, my heart started pounding. I was standing in front of the door before I knew it. I started knocking on the door rapidly. There was a shattering noise coming from the other side of the door. The door knob turned, and Skylar stood in front of me. Her face was purple. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside.

"You're a fucking bitch. You betrayed me." That voice. I knew that voice.

"Fuck you! I'm not your property." Skylar screamed.

Suddenly the person showed up and my heart dropped. It was Landon. "What the fuck is he doing here?" Landon looked towards me. "He was the one you called!"

Landon pushed Skylar out of the way. He came up to me and grabbed a fistful of my shirt. "I suggest you leave." I told him.

"Over my dead body. I told you she was mine."

"She never liked you! Don't you realize this?" I looked towards Skylar who was still on the ground.

Landon let me go. He scoffed as he left. The door slammed hard behind him. Skylar looked towards me. The right side of her face was bruised purple mixed with other colors. She had cuts going up and down her arms. I got to her level and helped her up.

We got to her bedroom as she collapsed on the bed. Her tear stained cheeks were dry. But you could still see the trail.

"What happened?" I asked Skylar.

She was silent. Then she let out a sigh. "I told him I loved you more than him."

Skylar started crying again. I sat her up and pulled her into a hug. "You're gonna be okay. I won't let him hurt you anymore."

After I said that, she calmed down. I kept running a hand up and down her back. Skylar clung to me so tight. "Can you stay with me tonight?" She whispered. Her voice showed how defeated she is. "I'm afraid to be here alone."

I pulled away from the hug and cupped her face. "How about this? You can stay with me for a bit."

Skylar's face brightened. "I'd love that."

"All right. We'll leave in the morning." I kissed her forehead.

"I have another question."

"What's up?"

She tugged at her sweatshirt sleeves and looked down towards the floor. "We're a couple again, right?" Her voice was quiet.

I smiled. "We are."

She looked up and a smile formed on her face. She pulled me into a hug. I chuckled. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

I helped Skylar to the bathroom and she sat down on the edge of the tub. I grabbed the peroxide and any other supplies I needed.

"Now our roles are switched." Skylar chuckled.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "You're funny."

I still couldn't believe Skylar's face is painted in red and purple. This was my fault. And Landon was getting out of control. But Skylar was handling it better than me. I finished cleaning her up and stood up to put the supplies back. A deep sigh left my lips.

"What's wrong?" Skylar asked.

"It's nothing." I said, barely audible.

"Jay," Skylar stood up and wrapped her arms around my torso. "What's wrong?"

"It's just – it's just Landon. Something changed. He would have never done anything like this."

"And this won't happen again next time. We learned. I tried to fight back, but he was too strong for me." I turned to face Skylar. "He won't hurt us anymore. Because we got each other now." Skylar scanned my eyes with that last sentence.

I placed my hands on Skylar's waist. A smirk formed on my face. Our faces were just inches apart. I remember her lips on mine. My hands went up under her shirt. I saw her smile for the first time in a long time. I smiled and kissed her again. Something about this took me back before I was taken. Right now, I had no worries. I was with the girl I love. And I couldn't be happier.

I woke up the next morning with an empty spot next to me. I heard someone rummaging around the room. Groaning, I looked around.

"Morning sleepy head." Skylar chuckled.

She sat down on the bed and the bed dipped down. She was wearing pajama pants and a tank top. Her dark, wavy brunette hair was tied up in a messy bun. It showed more of the damage that Landon has done. "Morning beautiful."

She scoffed. "Funny Holland."

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. She squealed in excitement as I pulled her close to me. My lips landed on hers. When I pulled away, she was out of breath.

"Only you can take my breath away." She whispered.

I chuckled at how cheesy that sounded. "You truly are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen."

Skylar adjusted herself. We were cuddling. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. I kissed her shoulder.

"Are you packed?" I asked her quietly.

"I was almost," she turned to face me, "until you distracted me."

Her eyes went from my eyes to my lips. "Come on. I am one of the best distractions ever."

"I won't deny it." She chuckled and kissed me softly. She ran a hand through my hair to deepen the kiss. I moaned. My hand gripped her hip and went under her shirt. I felt her hand cup my face. Skylar laid on her back and I straddled her. I leaned down and kissed her neck. Hearing her moan made me kiss her more. Her hands ran through my hair. I began to kiss her collar bone down to the hem of her tank top. Skylar giggled. Her eyes pleaded for more. I went back up and kissed her lips again. My hand rested on her thigh. It felt amazing to do this again with her. And it could only get better from here.

We put Skylar's bags in the back of her car. She closed the trunk and came up to me. "Thank you for allowing me to stay at your place." She smiled. "I know I was trying to get you to stay here, but I feel better at your place." She chuckled.

I pulled her into a hug. "It's okay. I understand you're just trying to help."

She pulled away. "I'll meet you at your place. I gotta stop at a couple places before."

I nod. "All right. Sounds good."

Her blue eyes lit up. She turned and walked to her car. I watched her get in and leave the parking lot. My phone rang in my pocket. I saw it was Melody.


"Oh Jason. How I've missed you."

My heart dropped at that voice. "What do you want?" I snapped.

"Meet me at Lovers Cliff tonight at 8. Don't be late."

The call ended. Now I must save Melody.

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