Chapter 9

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I sat on my bed cross-legged. There were still scars on my wrists. My life will never be the same. My phone went off on the night stand. I groaned and leaned over to reach it. It was some unknown number calling me. I let it ring. I fidgeted with my keys. Mom was still gone with a friend. The number that just called left a voicemail. I grabbed my phone yet again and listened to it. "Um, I'm not sure if I have the right number," the voice sounded familiar. "But I'm calling for Jason Holland. I need you to meet me at the old coffee shop tomorrow at one. See you tomorrow." The voicemail ended.

There was knock at the door. I jumped a little and Skylar stood in the doorway. Her charming smile beamed at me. I raised an eyebrow at her. "What are you so smiley about?" A chuckle escaped my lips.

"Oh, I don't know. Just that you may be able to stay at my place."

"Sky, I don't think that's a good idea right now." I sighed and stood up.

"You've been staying in this house alone. It's doing more harm than good." She walked over to me and intertwined my hands with hers.

"I know. But I think staying here is the safest bet. Plus, it'll help keep me on the down low."

Skylar looked at the floor. Then to my eyes. "So many people believe your dead. They had your death all over the news."

"What do you mean?" I asked as Skylar turned her back to me.

"Those men. Whoever they are, took your car and made it seem like you died in an accident. And the police never found your body. Yet, here you are. Alive and well." She turned to face me. "Every day I thought about you. I wanted to know so badly if you were still alive." I could see tears hit her eyes.

I walked over to her. My arms wrapped around her in a protective embrace. I kissed her forehead. "I'm here now. You won't have to worry about me." We were both broken. And we had to help each other pick up the pieces. A knock came from the doorway.

Looking over, I saw Landon. "What's going on here?" He asked.

We instantly pulled apart. "Nothing." Skylar turned to face him. "Landon, you need to go."

"What? I can't see an old friend?" Landon came into the room.

Skylar and I both know Landon wasn't happy about seeing us together. "Landon, please." Skylar begged.

She stepped in front of him. "Get away from me Sky."

"No." Skylar stood her ground.

I sighed. "We are just friends."

Landon got around Skylar. "You're coming downstairs with me."

I followed Landon. Skylar looked towards me and a saw tears hit her eyes. I nod to tell her I'll be okay. We made it outside. Next thing I remember was a fist coming right at me. I ducked and punched Landon in the face. He staggered a bit before regaining his balance. "I don't want to do this." I said raged and out of breath.

"You shouldn't touch her. You know she is mine." Landon said.

Skylar came down. "Stop it!" She was crying like no tomorrow. Her eyes were red, and tears stained her cheeks. "I'm not your property Landon! Stop thinking I am."

Landon didn't even look at her. He just stared at me, his eyes narrow. Landon ran at me again. He tackled me to the ground. I felt each punch like a car kept hitting me. With the adrenaline, I pushed him off me. I was weak. Landon chuckled.

"Jason. You were always weak. How did you survive?" He spat.

"Fuck you. The only reason why you're fighting is because of Skylar. You knew she loved me more than you. You can't act like an adult." Skylar kept crying. "Just leave."

Landon scoffed and shook his head. "This isn't over." He walked off and got in his car.

Skylar ran over to me. My body grew weak as my knees buckled under me. "Jason!" She cried.

"I'm okay." I muttered.

Skylar knelt next to me. "No, you're not. Come on." She helped me up and walked with me back to the house. I sighed when I sat down on the couch.

"Wait here. I'm gonna get something to clean you up." She got up from the couch.

Landon was right. People do change. There must be something he's not telling me. When we were in school, I never thought of him to lay a hand on me. But I thought about it. When I saw those bruises on Skylar, she couldn't have done that. Landon did. Skylar came back with the supplies in her hands. She sat down next to me. I wanted to ask her. But I couldn't bring myself to it. It was going to eat away at me. As Skylar put the cotton ball to my cut, I hissed in pain.

"Oh, stop being such a baby." She chuckled.

"You're worse than me." I said trying to hold back a laugh.

"I'm not." She smiled.

"Okay. Whatever you say." I held up my hands in surrender.

I saw her pull away. "You're all done."

"Thank you, Nurse Skylar." I said jokingly.

She laughed and shook her head. "Fucking hilarious." She looked towards me.

I moved closer to her. My lips met hers. And she kissed me back. I suddenly felt like someone hit me in the head with a hammer. I pulled away and hissed in pain.

"Are you okay?" Skylar asked.

"Yeah." I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

I reached for the ibuprofen and took three pills. Skylar stood in the doorway. "If Landon did any more damage to you, I swear I'll kill him."

"No. It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm just gonna take a quick nap, alright?"

Skylar nodded, and I headed back over to the couch. "I'm gonna stay here and make sure nothing happens."

I nod and went over to the couch. My head hit the pillow and I was out like a light.

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