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The hits, the kicks, the punches, the pain. All of it was coming back to him.

"This is what you get for turning our friend gay, you fag!"

Those words couldn't stop repeating, he still heard that guy's voice clear as day. It stuck with him.

Everything was hitting him at once, scrambling his thoughts, and-

Taehyung's eyes popped open as he sat up, holding his chest and hyperventilating. Tears were falling down his face, mixing with the sweat dripping down his forehead.

He suddenly felt his boyfriend's hands on his face, and he closed his eyes at the contact.

"Ssh~, hey, it's okay. I'm here, baby. Calm down. You're safe, okay?" Jungkook said softly, wiping away his tears with his thumbs.

Taehyung nodded, starting to settle down.

This wasn't the first time this happened tonight...this was at least the forth.

Taehyung would apologize over and over, and Jungkook would tell him it's fine...then Jungkook would spoon him and they'd both drift back off to sleep.

That morning, at 9, Taehyung was sitting on the other side of the school supervisor's desk...with Jungkook right beside him, holding his hand tight.

"Okay, Mr. Kim, you may begin whenever you are ready," the woman said, uncapping her pen to take notes.

Taehyung took a deep breath, "Okay, um... I was walking with my friends back to our dorm-"

"If you don't mind, could you give me their names?"

"No problem. Jimin Park, Yoongi Min, Namjoon Kim. Seokjin Kim, and..." he gestured to Jungkook,"my boyfriend Jungkook Jeon."

"Okay, thank you. Continue," she said while writing.

"...and suddenly I was stopped. A female put a hand over my mouth and told me not to say anything. I was scared, s-so I obeyed. I recognized the voice. Then, after my friends turned the corner, three big guys stepped in front of me and asked 'is this him?'"

"Ah, so they had planned this ahead of time, huh?" She thought out loud.

"I mean, I-I guess, but-um....then Yuna, the female voice that I recognized confirmed it and-"

"Wait, just for clarification, who exactly is Yuna and how did you know her?"

"Um...Yuna Lee, she's, um...she's Jungkook's ex-girlfriend," he gulped.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, really wanting to forget they ever happened.

The supervisor nodded her head, now being able to put the pieces together. "Understood. Keep going."

"Then, first, a guy p-punched me, and I fell to the ground...then they kept going, it went out for at least a half an hour," Taehyung explained, Jungkook's jaw clenched.

"Did you know these guys personally, or...?"

"Uh, no. I just knew them because Jungkook used to hang out with them."

"Mr. Jeon, do you know the names of these three men?" She asked as she pulled out pictures of them.

Just seeing their faces gave Taehyung goosebumps.

"Yeah," Jungkook responded, anger in his tone. "That's Brian Adams, Steven Brown, and Liam Smith," he said as he pointed to their pictures.

"Thank you, Jungkook," she said, putting away the pictures and picking up her pen again. "Please continue, Mr. Kim. And - if you're comfortable with it - could you describe how you felt?"

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