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Drip... Drip...

Blood dripped off the Ultimate Gamer's skin. It soaked her clothes and formed pools after pools onto the floor. It wouldn't stop. No matter how much she wanted it to stop, it wouldn't stop.

Chiaki Nanami was merely 18, an upperclassmen, the class representative of class 77-B in Hopes Peak Academy. It was only her 2nd year. Her and her classmates were planning to spend years together; until now, until here. Her classmates were forced to watch her go through a hellish execution which brainwashed them into despair. Her executor, Junko Enoshima, beyond pleased with the result.

Now here Chiaki was wishing to get up. She couldn't, it's just too heavy.  She can't move. Beside her stood a tall statue with freakishly long hair and a cold, dead stare. She reached a hand to him, begging to just play one more game. Despite her heaviness, she would not let it down. This boy's name she's begging to, is Izuru Kamakura, or as she sees him as...

"Hinata...." Chiaki choked to her formed friend in pain. He did not answer her, but she refused to let that be it. "HinatA-" Her voice grew louder and raspier by the minute. "Ple as e..."

He kept staring, seeming to have no care for her. Though he did seem a bit perplexed that she didn't fall yet. She's still clinging on... How?

Eventually she did let her hand fall, and let her head droop, but that was not the end. She was still up. She was still awake, still determined. She just needed to...

'I can't move...' Chiaki laid helpless and lifeless despite being alive. Her body completely disobeying her. No matter how many times she wanted to move it, it wouldn't budge. She's immobile. 'i can't move... No... No no-'

Izuru kept staring at her. Looking at her lifeless looking body with, surprisingly, mixed emotions. Further examining he saw her Gala Omega hairclip, and despite himself, went to go and pick it up.

Chiaki was panicking. She could hear white noise from ear to ear and felt a heavy preassure against her whole body, especially her head. 'no, this can't be it.' Chiaki pleaded in her mind. She wanted to move. She wanted to keep going. The feeling kept getting more and more intense by the second until she felt numb. All sounds seemed to be blocked by the white noise. She was dead, wasn't she. This was it. This is death.

She didn't know how to take it in, the mourning of her own death only now starting to take form deep in her gut. She screamed and cried in her mind, but it had no use. So this is it? She can't even watch over them? It's just a huge pit of emptiness for the rest of time... Or at least until she finally loses full consciousness. One things for sure, the stinging finally going away was good. However, she also hated that she couldn't feel it anymore. The stinging was painful but it made her feel alive in the moment. Now it's gone. All gone. She couldn't even play one game with Hinata again.

Izuru picked up the hair clip and examined it, getting this fuzzy feeling he had never felt before. His sight was becoming blurry. His cheeks were becoming.. Wet?

In her own self mourning she went through her own life. Her childhood, her favorite memories, her time with her classmates. Feeling deep emotions with each thing she recalls. So much emotion she chokes up, hard.

Chokes up... With her breath.. Choking up while she was..

She took a slow, weakened and shallow breath. She suddenly felt a wave of shock. She's... She's still alive!

Chiaki mentally screamed, as loud as her mind could contain. She's still alive. She's not dead yet. She has a chance. Nothing in her body would move, though, no matter how much strength she put into it. Nothing. 'C'mon.. please just something..' Her body kept getting more heavier and harder to feel, despite this she still kept fighting herself. If she still has a chance, she's going to take it.

Izuru put a hand to his cheek and gasped. Tears? He was crying? He looked back at his hand, a mix of blood and tears mixed into his hand. He was crying... Why?

'I will not die. I cannot die!!!' Chiaki wailed into her mind, using all her strength, everything she has to move something. To fight back into her body and do something.

Izuru stood back up, unsure of what to do... He went to turn around and leave... Confused..

"......H-.. Hin.. A-"

His head quickly whipped back to her body. That wasn't just his imagination. She's still alive..?

'yes! I did it..!' The preassure around Chiaki's body seemed to lossen. Her body began to tremble, terribly. "H-....Hina-- ta-" With all her strength she lifted her head up to look up at him.

Izuru rushed over to kneel down beside the dead-alive girl. It was a surprise to have this feeling of sadness, it's another thing entirely to see her begin to move again. He still did not say much.

Chiaki let out a weakly giggle. She's actually back. He was much closer to her now, he gave off a warm aura. "Hinata..." Her happiness only lasted a moment when she began to hear her own heart beating loudly and her body felt heavy like before. She looked at Izuru in alarm. 'no. No please. I'm so close to something.'

This time it felt real. It felt like she was really being ripped from her body this time. She panicked again. 'hinata please help me.. Please...'

Her trembling hand moved towards Izuru.

'Hinata I can't do this I can't die, they need me, I need you...'

Her hand spread to reach him.

'I want to hold onto his chance. I'm not ready. Please... I want to live. You're my only hope.. You're.. No.. No.. I can- t-'"hiNATA--" Chiaki used up what felt like her last remaining energy to screech when-

Izuru grabbed her reaching hand and pulled it towards him. Swiftly grabbing her back and legs to hold her bridal style in his arms. Her determination. It was something that intrigued him. He can't let something like her go to waste.

Chiaki's trembling increased gripping onto his suit tightly. Her teeth were clenched and tears were streaming down her face. She was so scared right then. She thought any last chances were to go to waste but now... It's okay... She rested her head on his shoulder. Breathing slowly. Her body still felt heavy, even now, but now she felt more at ease. She choked out a smile, letting herself finally relax.

Izuru had went another secret way out of where they were outside of campus as to make sure someone like Junko didn't find them. Stepping outside, it was still raining. The cold feeling of the rain against Chiaki's face made her shiver. It didn't faze Izuru.

Chiaki looked up at the glowing sky before them and kept a smile on her face. She thought she would never get to see the outside again...

No matter where they were to go now.. No matter when these injuries would heal up, Chiaki felt determined and strong.

No matter what she will keep surviving.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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