Part 22

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"Carol!" Hal yells while I sit there in shock. She's pushed back to us by a Yellow Lantern with red skin and yellow eyes, who I'm assuming is Sinestro. Hal looks at the hole in her chest and we watch as the stone flies from her stomach and then back to Earth. Realizing she's gone, Hal quickly lunges at the Yellow Lantern. I start to follow them, but turn back to Carol, I didn't want to leave her there. When I turn back around, the boys are nowhere in sight. "Hal!" I yell as loud as I can. When there's no response I continue flying to Oa with Carol's body in my arms. I reach the green rock and look for someone I recognize. I spot Laira training with another unfamiliar Lantern, who seems to be human. "Laira!" She stops and looks at me flying in her direction with a dead Sapphire in my arms.

"She's dead, and I've no idea what to do with her." Laira takes Carol from me, "What happened?" She asks, setting her down, "A Yellow Lantern killed her on our way here and Hal attacked him, in doing so, they flew pretty far away and I don't know where they are." She looks up at me, "Hal Jordan?" I nod. The other Lantern then speaks, "The first human Green Lantern?" I nod then look back at Laira who says, "Hal can handle himself, but we need to figure out what to do with her." I shake my head, "But Hal is furious, can't other emotions other than willpower defect the ring's abilities?" She looks back at me, "How'd you know that? Lanterns aren't taught that until they speak to the Guardians at their orientation, which you haven't had."

"Orientation?" She nods, "Yes, but how did you know about that?" I shrug, "I just assumed." She looks back at the other Lantern, "I'm sorry, but I need to take care of this." The Lantern nods and flies off. Unsure of what to do, I head back to Earth. I pull out my phone and type in the address of Hal and Hunter into my maps, which I got when I first arrived. I knock on the door and Hunter opens it. He immediately pulls me into a hug.  "Where's Hal?" He asks when he pulls away and I tell him what happened. "I think Bruce could help us," he suggests. I nod in approval and fly us back to Gotham City.

Inside the mansion, I explain everything to Bruce and he uses the Batcomputer to search the star system. "How are you going to find them?" I ask Bruce. "When I first met Hal, I was able to take a little bit of the energy in the ring to test it. Now, I can use that to find that same ring." He says, eyes locked on the screen. "Wow, that's really cool-" Bruce cuts me off, "I found him. He's on his way to Earth, and he's moving fast. I think he's coming here." I turn to Hunter behind me, who's standing next to Barbara and Grayson, "You shouldn't be here, you could get hurt." He looks me directly in the eyes, "I'm not leaving you." I roll my eyes, "You have to." He shakes his head. Grayson steps toward me, "I agree with Alana. There's no telling what's gonna happen."

Hunter sighs and starts walking away. The cave ceiling above me begins to collapse, but Grayson tackles me out of the way before it lands on top of me. He pulls himself off of me and I stand up while Hunter runs towards me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah, thanks to Grayson." I look up at the hole and see a green and yellow light zoom back and forth over it. "I have to help Hal," I say before flying out of the hole. When I'm out, I am knocked over by Hal being thrown in my direction. I look at his bruised and battered face. "Hal!" I set him down and turn my attention to Sinestro, also badly beaten, which gave me an advantage. I stand in front of Hal to protect him.

Sinestro forms four yellow missiles around himself. "Get out of the way, or you will be blown to bits as well." I raise myself a little and create four missiles also. "I'm not leaving." He scoffs, "Suit yourself." He begins to launch them, but I quickly change my missiles into one large shield, protecting Hal and I. I fly in his direction and punch him in the face, knocking him down. When he gets back up, I kick him in the jaw, block his punch, elbow his temple and force him to bend over, so that my knee contacts his face. He falls to the ground, weak and tired. I walk toward him, but he extends his hand, so that I trip over it. I fall onto my back and hit my head on the rocky ground. He kicks my ribs and I try to crawl away. My head is pounding, and I can't think straight.

He picks me up with a yellow sphere, "Most powerful of all of us? The prophecy is a load of bull, you are weak and-" His rant is cut off by a Batarang thrown at his hand and I fall into Grayson's arms. Bruce and Barbara are both standing next to him. He sets me down on my feet and asks, "You okay?" I nod. Sinestro activates his ring again, creates a mallet and swings at Bruce. Bruce rolls out of the way while Barbara and Grayson attack him. I activate my ring and create a bubble around Hal. I carry him back inside the Batcave where Hunter is pacing back and forth. I bring Hal inside and Hunter runs in my direction. "What happened?" He asks, taking Hal from my arms as I land. "Sinestro really hurt him, but I think he's just knocked out." I raise myself again towards the hole. "I need to help the others, I'll be right back."

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