Part 26

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We arrive at Oa where we meet Kilowag in the Guardians Temple, "Right on time." We walk inside and the Guardians immediately begin talking, "It is a great honor and privilege to be chosen by the power of a Green Lantern Ring. For centuries, The Green Lantern Corps has protected the universe from criminal threats. As a Green Lantern, you will be assigned a sector. Because you live on Earth, you will be assigned Sector 2814, which contains Earth and other various planets such as Nok and Ysmault. Your ring can detect the boundaries of your sector, all you have to do is command it to with your willpower. You will leave this sector only when you are called upon by The Guardians or a fellow Green Lantern. Be wise, Alana Hart, and always put the safety of others first." When they finish, I'm escorted out by Kilowag. He pulls Hal and I to the side, "So, I found out why the Sapphires are preoccupied. The death of their leader, Carol Ferris has sparked a civil war." Hal and I share the same confused look. "Wait, Carol was their leader?" Hal asks. "Apparently, and now they need a new leader, but they can't agree on who it is. Some of them think the new owner of her sapphire should lead them, but others argue that she's too inexperienced," Kilowag finishes. "And without someone to lead them, they have no idea how to decide without killing each other," I add. "Looks like we finally got them to lay off us. Good work, rookie," Hal says and pats my shoulder. "I think we should be thanking Sinestro," I say, "He's the one that killed her, this isn't happening because of us."

"Stay humble," Kilowag says with a smile. We literally had no intention of killing Carol. "Just accept the win," Hal says noticing I don't want to take the credit. "Alright, whatever," I say and start to fly away. "Where are you going?" I hear Hal yell. "I'm supposed to talk to a lawyer." I fly back to Opal City and enter my old house. I make a phone call to Belmont and we agree to meet in his office. "I'm so glad you finally decided to come talk to me, Alana. It's been too long. I hope you're doing well," He says as I sit in the chair in front of his desk. "I'm not here to catch up, Lawrence, I'm here for the 'legalities,'" I say with air quotes. He smirks, "Business woman. I can respect that." I roll my eyes and he continues, "All we are here for is for me to give you what your mother left for you and discuss her will." He pulls a small briefcase from his side and sets it on the large desk. When he opens it he begins talking, "These are the physical objects she left for you." The briefcase contained things that looked pretty useless. There was a bible, which I rolled my eyes at, a map of the US, and a deck of cards. Belmont pulls out a piece of paper from his drawer, and sets it in front of me, "This was your mother's will." I skim over formalities and read the part for me. "Alana Hart will be left with my inheritance from my great-grandmother Alyssa Hart, the house I currently reside in, and access to all my bank accounts." I had no idea my mother had multiple bank accounts, let alone an inheritance waiting for her. "The paper attached is the information needed to receive the inheritance and how to access her funds that your mother had saved up," Belmont says, interrupting my thoughts. "Alright," I say before standing up, shoving the papers in the briefcase and leaving with it. I've spent enough time with him.

I look at the instructions to get my inheritance. After reading through it, I head to Opal City Bank. I am greeted by a woman at the door, "Good morning! What can I help you with?" I glance down at the paper, "I need to talk to a bank teller about my inheritance." She types something in a computer and looks at me again, "Okay, what's your name?" I tell her and she leads me into an office with a teller. "Hello, Ms. Hart. I'm surprised you're barely coming to see us, your mother left quite a bit of money for you," she says as she continues to type. "Your mother has four separate accounts all combining to $59,752." Holy shit that's a lot of money. "And your inheritance is a total of $80,469." And that's a whole lot more. "You don't seem to have an account with us, so I could create one and transfer the funds over, if you'd like." I nod my head and she types again. What the hell am I going to do with all this money? She asks me a few more questions before she's finally finished, "Okay, here's your debit card and this paper is all the information for your account." She hands me a card and a single sheet of paper, "Thank you." We finish up and I head back to the house while I think about what on Earth I would pay for with over $140,000.

I walk into the house where Hunter is sitting on the couch on his phone with a huge smile on my face. "Hey. Why are you in such a good mood?" He asks smiling back. I ignore his question and straddle him on the couch and push my lips to his. He drops his phone to the seat and wraps his arms around me. My hands are in his hair as I push my tongue into his mouth and he willingly accepts. I feel his warm hands go up inside my shirt to my ribs and he sits straight up. He stands up and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He sets me back down on the couch on my back with my head at the end of the seat. His kisses move from my mouth to my neck and I run my fingers through his hair. "You'll never believe what happened today," I let out as he continues kissing me, "Mmm?" I hear him mumble from my neck. "So turns out, my mother left a lot of money for me." He sucks my neck one last time before coming back to my face, "Seriously? What the fuck are you still doing here? I'd go out and buy a mansion or something." And with that he moves to the other side of my neck and I say, "Yeah, I don't know, mansions are too big for me. I was thinking about sharing it." He comes back, "You mean like donating to a charity?" I giggle, "No, I mean you and Hal." His eyes shift back into focus, "What?"

"I don't know a whole lot about those payments you're behind on, but $140,000 is way too much money for me," I tell him. "Alana, I can't take your money." I squint, "Why not? I've been living here for a week and I have nowhere else to go, so why don't I just officially move in with you guys," I look around, "but in a better house?" He laughs, "Alana." At a loss for words he finally says, "I think we should talk to Hal." I look towards his door, "He's not here?" He stands up from the couch, "Yeah, he is. I'll go get him." He walks to his room, knocks and after a few seconds, opens the door, "Hal? Alana and I need to talk to you." They both join me on the couch and Hunter starts, "Hal, you'll never believe this." He looks at me smiling, then back at Hal, "I got Alana pregnant." I nudge his shoulder, "Jesus Christ, Versace," I turn to Hal, "What we need to talk to you about is that my mother left me a lot of money and I want to share it with you guys." Hal looks at Hunter for confirmation and then back at me, "Alana, that's very kind of you, but I think you should save as much as you can for yourself, I mean, just because it's a few thousand, doesn't mean it'll last." As soon as he finishes, I say, "It's over $140,000." His eyes widen. "I know, right?!" Hunter shouts. "So, I think we could get out of this house and into a better one," I say with a smile. "What's wrong with this house?" As he finishes, a rat runs across the floor by the tv. We all follow it with our eyes and then look back at each other. "Yeah, you're right," Hal says and I nod, "This whole neighborhood is kinda trash." Hunter nods in agreement. "Alright, time to start house hunting."

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