1. Pet names and nicknames

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Is it bad if I add a children's picture here? Idk, it's just to pretend it's them, but alright. Let's get this starteeeeeed.

It was the first day of school in South Korea. Many kids were on their way to school, sleeping in their parents' car, other kids were already in the institution and scared because they were new students, some adolescents were still on bed, ranting to their parents about how much they hated school and some others were jumping exited because it was the first day of school of their lives.

It was the case of a little Park Jimin, he was so excited to finally go to school and learn the numbers and to draw, it was his main goal.

On the other side, there was another little boy with big eyes, ready to learn to read. Of course he was going to fast, learning to read is a little more advanced, but it was the main goal of Kim Taehyung. That and making friends. But, of course, at that age everyone wants to be friends with anybody.

Around twenty kids were guided by a lovely teacher to their new classroom, their teacher introduced herself and tried to learn their names. And when they were allowed to have a 'break' most of them started talking with everyone immediately, they were talking about the picture of their backpacks and how much they liked theirs because it was from their favorite cartoon. Others were playing already and laughing with their small voices. Some kids were on their seats, wanting to cry because they were alone and they were too shy to speak to other kids, and there was Jimin. He was sitting in front of his little table with a sheet that was being colored by him. He loved the amount of crayons his teacher had supplied for him. He really wanted to learn how to draw just like his father.

The girl who was sitting right beside him also started her drawing, borrowing the crayons, much to Jimin's dislike. When another little hand was added to grab the same crayons, Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the kid who joined the drawing club. He had big eyes and a smile was already planted on his face.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung." His hand still grabbing some crayons that Jimin didn't want to let go. And Jimin didn't answer, his gaze already turning to his drawing. "I like your draw. He's the Catboy of that cartoon I always watch." He recognized, although it would be very difficult for an adult to distinguish what those strokes were. Jimin's face immediately lit up and let go of the crayons that Taehyung wanted to borrow.

"I watch that cartoon too. I am always Catboy and my mommy is the owl girl." Jimin smiled.

"My mum too." Taehyung sat down besides Jimin and Jimin gave him a sheet.

"Come draw with me." And Taehyung did. They kept talking and playing, pretending they were cartoon characters and laughing for the rest of the morning, and when school was over, they waited for their parents together.

"What is your name?" Jimin asked, not remembering Taehyung had introduced himself before.


"My best friend Taetae." Jimin smiled and Taehyung laughed.

"My mom calls me Taetae."

"My mommy calls me Jiminie and baby and sweetheart." Jimin said, remembering the pet names.

"I will call you Jiminie too and baby and sweet-"

The teacher interrupted them in that moment, telling Taehyung to grab her hand because his mom was there to pick him up. Taehyung said goodbye with his hand all the way until he was with his mom. And even after being on his mom's arms he kept looking at Jimin and smiling, telling his mom something and pointing at Jimin. His mom also smiled and then turned around to leave.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung screamed, lifting his little head from his mom's shoulders while being carried. "Goodbye, best friend." And Jimin also smiled.

After that day, they were best friends forever. They played together and learned the numbers together, then they would tell their parents how much fun they had with their best friend. Their parents were very happy that their kids had friends, and they eventually met in a parents meeting at school, finding each kid adorable.

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