Chapter Seventeen

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Sarah sat in the living room. Her bed rest days finally over. She was happy to be back with people. Snake didn't let anyone but Digger in the room and even then, he didn't like it. They were on lock down, which meant everyone and all the families had to stay here.

She didn't like the idea of being stuck at the compound, but it was better than being stuck in the room.

Everyone was making sure she was ok. They always ask if she needed anything or if anything was wrong or if she needed the doc. She always made sure they knew she was fine and she didn't need the doc. They had become over protective since her trip to the hospital.

Snake had been around more too. He was really stepping up. Had she forgiven him? Not yet, but he was getting close. Every night he'd crawl into bed and pull her close and kiss her neck. She loved it.

Now, though, Snake was out. Most of the boys were but some were here, like Hatchett. A lot of the Old Ladies had accepted her too and they would talk to her a lot. Most were outside playing with their kids or enjoying the sun right now.

Sarah pulled out her phone and sent Snake a text.

Sarah: I'm hungry.

Snake: So eat something.

Sarah: I am but the baby wants something else.

Snake: So have something else.

Sarah: We don't have what the baby wants. We don't have anything really. Most of the food is gone.

Hatchett chuckled next to her. "Stop tormenting him."

"The baby's hungry," she pouted.

"Your eating a second bag of popcorn!"

She laughed and leaned against him. He reached into the bag and pulled out a hand full of popcorn. She glared at him. Hatchett was always stealing her food.

They watched TV until they heard bikes. She stood up, or attempted to, Hatchett had to help her. They walked outside and saw Trish talking to Falcon, Snake, Viper, and Banks. She didn't look happy and Sarah had an idea of what it was about.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked as she got closer.

"The kids finished off the food," Trish said. "Someone has to go shopping."

"Not happening, no one leaves the compound," Viper said.

"Well we have to eat!" Trish got in his face. Falcon wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back. Sarah learned fast that he wasn't a talker.

"I'll go," she said.

"Oh, fuck no," Snake started.

"C'mon, what's the big deal? This will give me chance to grab what the baby wants anyway."

"No, no fucking way in hell are stepping a foot outside of this compound."

"I hate to say it," Banks said. "But she might be our best bet. Venom's Pit doesn't know about her. We stick a Prospect on her and she could go shopping. Get food and shit."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Snake shouts. "I'm not sending the woman carrying my child out there. We're in the middle of a war, Banks!"


In the end, Banks ended up winning. Sarah left the compound with one of the Prospects in a van. He drove, of course, and he's wasn't to leave her side.

She doubted anything would happened at the store. Why would people be waiting to attack at a store anyway?

It was noon when they got to the store. The Prospect kept close to her and pointed out food the boys liked and made sure she got enough for everyone. It was actually kind of hard, shopping for everyone at the compound. She knew this was going to cost out the ass, but Banks gave her the club card and told her to get what she thought they needed.

It took them six over stuffed carts and an hour in check out before they left. When they did, the sun was setting. Snake had demanded she call when they were leaving. So once the van was filled with the food, she pulled out her phone.

It was ringing when someone grabbed her from behind. A hand was placed over her mouth to keep her from screaming. The Prospect was knocked out, on the concrete. Fear enveloped her and she tried to wiggle free but it didn't work.

She was pushed up against a wall the next second and before she could scream, a hand connected with her check. Someone slapped her.

Sarah looked to see three masked men. Stupid of them though, they were wearing their cuts. Venom's Pit MC. The one holding her to the wall stepped in closer.

"I got a message for your club," he seethed.

The Bikers Baby Mama (Warrior's Series {1})Where stories live. Discover now