Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Two months had passed since Sarah and Snake were abducted and held captive. Occasionally, she would have nightmares, but Snake would always be there to make her feel better and calm her back to sleep.

The brothers were still looking for Jailer and what remained of his crew but they had gone off the radar. Lock down ended and the families and brothers went back to their daily routine. Jaylen, who turned out to be Jailer's daughter, had been brought back and spent a week locked in a room until the club could decide what to do with her.

She hadn't posed a threat, but Banks didn't want to take a chance. A brother was always with her. Banks let her man the desk at the garage, let her earn her keep. She stayed in a room at the clubhouse and other than work she never left.

Snake, however, had been working on something else. First, he made sure Pearl had disappeared. No one had seen or heard from her. Second, he went shopping, made arrangements, and bribed some of his brother's.

Sarah had been keeping up on her school work. He only found out when her diploma was mailed to the clubhouse. She had kept it under wraps and worked on it online when no one was around. She was now the happy graduate of a business degree. Sarah had offered Banks help with the paperwork for the legit businesses and he gladly handed over the reins.

Snake walked into the clubhouse with a shit eating grin on his face. He found Sarah sitting criss-cross on the couch in the TV room with Hatchett, Trish, Fawn, and Digger. She was looking wonderful today, as always. Her stomach looked like she was ready to pop, but that just made him happier.

He made sure he got them to regular doctor's appointments, though Sarah didn't want to know if it was a boy or girl. He wanted to know but he respected her wishes. Just four weeks to go.

Sarah threw popcorn at Hatchett and Digger for something they said and they laughed. Trish smacked Digger and Fawn smacked Hatchett. Snake couldn't help but notice that Fawn had sat as far away from Digger as possible.

As soon as her eyes landed on him, Sarah reached her arms out. He went over to her and leaned down, her arms wrapping around his neck as he kissed her. The girls aw-ed and his brother's told him to get a room.

She smiled up at him, "Hi."

"Hey," he grinned then looked at the others. "Wanna give us a minute?"

"No," Fawn said.

Trish stood up and grabbed her hand, "Let's go, Doe."

"Ugh, I told you not to call me that!" Fawn growled as Trish dragged her out of the room. Hatchett and Digger close behind.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I know I've got a lot of making up to do," Snake said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He got on one knee, opening the box. "If you'll let me, baby girl, I promise I'll make it up to you however you deem worthy. I know I've put you through hell, I know we've been through hell. Let's find a little heaven. Will you marry me, Sarah Michelle Collins?"

Sarah had tears glistening in her eyes, one escaping, rolling down her cheek. Snake held his breath while he waited for a a reply of some kind.

Her head slightly moved in a nod, "Yes. Yes, Snake, yes!"

She threw herself into his arms and he held her, kissing her head. He heard sniffles from the hall and he knew that Trish and Fawn had been eavesdropping.

When Sarah pulled back she kissed him and held out her hand. He slid the ring on her finger. Perfect.

"I love it," she said. "How did you know baby blue was my favorite color?" She asked, eyeing the slight blue to the diamond.

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