Chapter Nineteen

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The room was gloomy. Violence was radiating off of all the brothers. Not everyone was there when Sarah got back but word spread quick and now they wanted blood.

Digger sat across from Snake. He was starring daggers.

Banks banged the gavel, even though room was already silent. "This is fucked up shit," he started.

"How'd they get to her?" Viper asked.

"She say anything about those fucking cock suckers?" Washington asked. Other than Digger, Washington was closest to Sarah. He was starting to think of her as a daughter and his protectiveness was at an all time high.

"She was walking out of the grocery store when they got her. Gave her a message. Said they wanted Snake before the end of the week."

"Why?" Hatchett asked.

"Dunno," Snake said. "I don't remember doing anything to them lately."

"They give an 'or else'?" Press asked.

"Blow up business, start shooting on us, take the Old Ladies. But Sarah would be taken first." Digger said.

"She say anything else? About how she got covered in head to fucking toe with blood?" Banks asked.

"Prospect jumped in front of a bullet. Guy in charge wanted to send her back bleeding, to show he was serious, Prospect got in the way." Snake said, then added, "He fucking hit her too. Fucking left a bruise on her damn cheek."

Washington shot out of his chair. "I want everyone of those pussies killed. I want their fucking blood and I want that assholes head."

Everyone looked at Washington with new eyes. Washington got his name because he always thought things through, he was just like George Washington, always strategic. Never has anyone heard him just jump into something. Especially killing someone, he'd plan it out first.

"Just calm down, Wash. We'll get retribution for our girl." Banks said.

"First we gotta figure out what Snake did to make them want him so much," Digger said. "Hacker you get on that."

Hacker nodded. Banks continued to talk about what we should do. Digger kept giving Snake a death glare. He took it for a while but now it was just pissing him off.

"You got a problem, brother?" Snake finally asked.

"She's too good for you," he said. "You don't fucking deserve her. Look at what's happened so far. Because Venom's Pit wants your blood, if they don't get it, they're gonna take hers!"

Standing up, Snake slammed his hands on the table. "I know I don't fucking deserve her! You think I meant to get stuck in the shit right now? God damn, I didn't even want to send her in the first place!"

"Enough!" Banks shouted. "Sit your ass down and both of you keep you damn mouths fucking shut."

He growled and sat down. Banks finished talking and Church was over. Banks and Digger stayed in the room, Snake was the last to leave.

Trish was standing outside the doors, she was holding her hands together, close to her mouth. Her eyes were shinning with tears, but she hadn't let them escape yet. Not seeing Falcon with her, Snake knew she had waited til he came out.

"It's my fault, isn't it?" She asked as a tear slid down her cheek.

Snake scooped her into her arms, "Fuck no, it's not, Trish. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault."

"Your gonna get those bastards, right, Snake?" She asked as tears slid down her cheeks.

He had only seen Trish cry once, that was before she was Falcon's Old Lady. Seeing her cry now, that was like a punch to the gut. Trish was like the lead Old Lady, she was sassy and didn't mind telling people off. She never let anyone see her soft side but Falcon and few others.

"Bet your ass, Trish." He kissed her forehead and gave her a squeeze. "Now go love on your man and don't worry about me or Sarah. The club will handle it."

"Take care of her, Snake. I'm too close to her to lose her."

"Me either, Trish. She just might be the one.."

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