Has Some Fresh Stupidity

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Lilly: What's been happening?
Kejah: Well... Jakeb Is depressed, Zay is trying to ask Ryleeh out on a date but she's talking to Wynter, Teemas watching anime in the corner, Kat is acting like a cat, Shinso is getting yelled at by Sakuya, Bailey is yelling at Sakuya for yelling at Shinso and Akasaki-Sensei is crying because he can't keep his class in order

Lilly: Ok!, Let me know if anything new happens


Zay: [Holds door open] After you
Ryleeh: No, After you
Zay: I insist, After you
Lilly: [Pushes past both of them] After Me


Kejah: Please tell me words of encouragement so that I don't murder this man right here, right now
Lilly: Bailey can only visit you in jail during visiting hours
Kejah: [Nods] Thank you


Akasaki-Sensei: Your gonna hate your self in the morning if you stay up late
Lilly: Jokes on you, I'll hate my self in the morning no matter what


Jakeb: (Looks like a Teddy-bear, But actually is a Teddy-bear)
Teema: (Looks like a Teddy-bear, but actually is a Teddy-bear)
Lilly: (Looks like they could kill you, but actually is a Teddy-bear)
Wynter: (Looks like they could kill you, but actually is a Teddy-bear)
Ryleeh: (Looks like a dumbass, and actually is a dumbass)
Zay: (Cinnamon roll, too sweet, too pure, too good for this world)
Kejah: (Sinnamon Roll)


Wynter: If you where my wife I'd poison your tea
Lilly: if you where my wife I'd drink it


SMYL Squad: We're going with you
Lilly: I can't let anybody I care about get hurt
Sakuya: I'll go
Lilly: Ok


Sakuya: I Don't like you two
Lilly: we know
Shinso: we'll get over it


Lilly: [Proof Reading] you meant stronger here right?
Akasaki-Sensei: what does it say?
Lilly: "I'm proud to report that Class Zero is stranger than it was a year ago"
Both: ...
Akasaki-Sensei: That's a typo
Lilly: but it's still true


Akasaki-Sensei: You three explain now
Jakeb: It was Ryleeh
Kejah: It was Ryleeh
Ryleeh: It was Ryleeh
Ryleeh: ...Wait...wut...
Akasaki-Sensei: At least your honest


Ryleeh: [Just did something stupid] In my defence, I was left unsupervised

(Discontinued) Class Zero [BNHA Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now