Chapter Four - Abruptly Challenged

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Chapter Four – Abruptly Challenged

[Jeremy Ford]

It had been two and a half weeks since my dad unblocked only one of my cards. He said me being present on a meeting doesn't mean anything if I was only sleeping the entire discussion. Well it wasn't my fault that he didn't specify whether it was AM or PM when he said the meeting starts at “seven”. Heck, that old man knows how to get revenge. He was even laughing his kidneys out when I called him.  That only confirms that he purposely tricked me. Why did the heavens give me a father like him? He’s been lecturing me about my childishness when he’s not so mature himself. I guess I got that trait from him.

I stayed in that boring building all day since the old booger forbid me out. I had a getaway plan that moment: ditch the place then be back at the real meeting schedule. But someone caught me, I told her not to tell anybody and made a deal that I’ll give her money for keeping her mouth shut plus a date with her that evening. She’s on her late thirties, I guess, but it doesn't bother me. I kissed some of my teachers in high school, so what the hell. However, she happened to be very loyal working with my dad, and she said she doesn't date her boss’s children.  She called him right away. By that, my dad told all the securities to ban me from going out of the building, unless the meeting was over. I tried to get myself out of boredom by flirting with some employees but all of them are probably just scared to be fired because none flirted back. That entire day, all I did was sharpen the pencils, draw stickmen, throw papers in the bin or at someone to get an interesting reaction, but much to my dismay, they kept on ignoring me. By the time the meeting started, I dozed off. You can’t blame me, I woke up at six in the morning that time.

Now, I am here at his University called Ford University, obviously they didn’t come up with a more creative name for it, because he told me to. I’m even wearing a suit, again, for “formality” as what he said. I have no idea what’s the point of this. He just said I should go here to monitor things going around the school. Like that’d happen, I mean what am I, a school guard? But, as you can see, I have no choice but to abide, sort of, since a lot of my cards are still blocked. This is just his way of getting back to me. I sighed, thinking about these things I do for my precious cards and to get my fun life back. First thing I did when I got here was show myself to the principal just to let him inform my dad that I’m here, afterwards, I just stayed in my car waiting for the day to be over. Well, at least I’m ditching my classes with a permit this time.

Oh, I remember, I almost ran into a girl that day. Was she okay? I was sort of a little rude to her and I blame that to my dad! I know I’m a player but I’m not as bad as everyone thinks I am. Well, maybe I am but… whatever! You get the picture, right? It’s hard to explain. But she almost scratched my car, JeNie, which was unforgivable if she did. Although, she really does deserve an apology. Why am I over thinking this? It’s not like I’m going to see her again.

Wait a minute. That’s her, standing a few meters away from JeNie. She was wearing a very attractive dress, mid-thigh high, with a belt on her stomach emphasizing her curves. I waited for a few seconds to analyze the situation before walking out of the car and into her. She was standing in the hallway alone. I assume she’s waiting for someone considering her constant time-checking. While walking my way towards her, I noticed students passing by wave at her, guys winking. And one even had the guts to give her a little piece of paper, judging by the looks, he tore it from his notebook or maybe someone else’s, who would know? He must scribbled his number on that since he gestured his hand to the side of his face with his thumb and pinky pressed against his ear and lips, mouthing “call me”. I snorted and raised my eyebrows, amused. I guess I didn’t run into an ordinary girl, she’s probably a queen bee or something.

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