Chapter Five - Stalker Alert

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Chapter Five – Stalker Alert

{Jillian Sparks}

 “That ends my discussion. Any questions?” It’s almost an hour of my report about How Fashion Affects Style and almost an hour of aggravation. Don’t get me wrong, I love doing this. But if some outsider keeps on pestering and giving snide remarks about how boring my presentation was, is definitely getting on my nerves.

A certain stalker-ish psycho raised a hand. I was very determined to keep on ignoring him but he’s more persistent. And his defiance is very hard to pay no attention to which infuriates me, by the way. He’s seated in front, legs crossed and looking comfortable like he’s just around somewhere he’s used to.

This guy had been following me since yesterday and he’s giving me the creeps. I admit that he’s good-looking but I still see him as a criminal. He already left an illegal impression to me on our first encounter, who knows what he would do next, right? Yesterday, he had been determined to bug me about that coffee. Was he nuts or something? I mean, who drinks coffee at lunch time? And I really thought that I would have a great day today.

Well, I guess I thought soon.

 “Any other hands?” I didn’t even hesitate to spit out my annoyance.

This morning I dressed up in a floral sun dress paired with a plain cream Prada flats. Darwin picked me up from home. Well, he is always my ride to school and work. When we arrived at the school grounds, we were straightly greeted by him. He was sat on his car’s hood which was ironically located in front of where Darwin parked his. Do you want to guess what he did next? Yep! That’s right, he followed me again everywhere like a mad dog. And the Girl’s Room was not even an exemption because he practically stuck his head to the door watching my every move. The girls didn’t even mind at all. The only safe zone, I think, was the cubicles. People in every direction I’m heading were watching me as well. I was used to them doing that but the difference was they were giving me weird looks as if I’ve just grown five heads like a hydra in Percy Jackson. However, I just blocked my sense of hearing to refrain myself from taking notice of whatever it was they were talking about.

What made me angrier was that Darwin was not being the usual overprotective best friend. He said he was ‘a bit intimidated’ because the criminal – now stalker – was wearing a suit. He was probably worried opposing this guy would cause his family some trouble. I couldn’t blame him, though. Men wearing those types of expensive-looking clothes are most likely to be filthy rich and influential. And now that I think of it, he’s probably a white-collar criminal.

But if ever our hunch is right, isn’t he a bit too young to be that powerful?

 “Can I have your number?” He asked despite my obvious rejection. The class started murmuring. The girls were giggling like crazy and some were stealing pictures at him while the guys were giving him a lethal glare.

I sighed and looked at our instructor with pleading eyes. “Mrs. Smeath is this really necessary?”

“I don’t see any problem, so I guess it is.” Mrs. Smeath just shrugged but her eyes said nothing but amusement.

I closed my eyes to cease her from seeing me rolling them, and took a deep breath before saying “No. You can’t have my number.” Directed to the criminal. I heard a girl slightly shouted ‘You can have mine’ from the back of the class. I guess it was Jessica.

“Where do you live?” He continued, ignoring her. How can he disregard that offer? She was being polite. I totally feel sorry for her.

“None of your business.” I snapped, partly to avenge Jessica.

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