Chapter Four

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Hello. I know you all have been waiting for ages for an update and I am sorry for that wait. I just had no idea about where this story was going, until last night at 1:30 in the morning. So, I will try to update this more often.

“Hello Scarlett,” an incredibly familiar voice said. “Never thought you’d be here alone.”

Scarlett immediately recognised the voice as Sirius, but didn’t bother turning around to greet him. She had come to the black lake for some peace and quiet, hoping to get away from everyone, mainly Sirius. In the past week, he had pranked her three times. She only had removed his voice and he was full on pranking him. Though everytime he pranked her, James got back at him twice as bad. Sirius, Remus and Peter knew never to do anything to Scarlett or else they would see a very ugly side of James Potter.

“Go away, Sirius,” the small brunette said, sternly.

“Why Scar, why don’t you want me to be here?”

“Because I am busy.”

Sirius rolled his eyes and sat down next to Scarlett, their knees just touching. Scarlett left her eyes glued to the book and shuffled over an inch, making sure nothing was touching him.

“Sirius, leave me alone,” Scarlett whined. “Go snog one of your fangirls.”

“Nah, they’re boring. You’re interesting.”

“No, I’m busy. Now go.”

“But Scarlett…”

Scarlett quickly gave up all ideas of getting Sirius to leave, so she began ignoring him. After five minutes of trying to get the young girl’s attention, Sirius took a new approach. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and began stroking her hair.

“What are you doing, Sirius?” Scarlett yawned.

“I’m doing nothing, Scar.”

“Sirius, leave me alone.”

Sirius didn’t leave her; instead he leaned down and brushed his lips over her cheek. “You’re tired. Why are you out here if you are tired? You should be asleep.”

Scarlett groaned, standing to her feet. Sirius was treating her like a baby. He was as bad as James. She knew they cared about her, even though Sirius and Remus knew nothing about her condition. Problem was, she just wanted to be treated like everyone else. She wanted to forget about having to cling to a pillow when she slept. Then the thoughts came back to her.

They will never leave you. They are what make you a freak, a waste of space. If you want them to stop caring; run away, see if they care then. They’ll quickly forget about you.

Scarlett shut her eyes tight and her face paled. She was caught up in her thoughts, so caught up that she didn’t feel a hand come to rest on her shoulder.

“What did you do, Black?” a voice hissed.

“I-I did nothing,” he stuttered.

Scarlett’s eyes shot open to find Lily holding Sirius’ shirt, ready to attack him. Subconsciously, Scarlett’s feet moved her towards her friend and pulled her off the boy.

“He did nothing, Lily,” she muttered. “Let’s go.”

Reluctantly, the fiery red head let go of Sirius and walked off with Scarlett close behind. They walked back towards the castle, not turning back to Sirius. They both knew he would quickly find one of his fangirls to mess around with.

“Lily, you know I’m not a baby, right?” Scarlett asked, softly.

Her eyes were set on the castle in front of her, sparkling in the darkness, but she still managed to see her best friend nod out of the corner of her eye. A soft sigh escaped her lips, as she asked her next question.

“Then why are you so protective over me?”

Scarlett turned her head towards the red head, watching her bit her lip. “You don’t know yet, do you?”

Scarlett’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she slowly shook her head. Lily didn’t reply, she only grabbed the small girl’s hand and ran quickly towards the castle, pulling Scarlett along behind her.

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