My Condition (Sirius Black)

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I think every person has their own identity and beauty. Everyone being different is what is really beautiful. If we were all the same, it would be boring. - Tila Tequila

I am probably the most different person you would ever meet. My individuality, my conditions, what makes me different, not everybody knows these things. No-one in my family has these conditions, not even my twin brother. He is social, an attention seeker, the quidditch captain, the guy everybody wants to be friends with or even get noticed by him. Then, there's me. The shy girl, the smart one, the one that hides in the shadow of her twin brother. Okay maybe that last one wasn't completely true, but everyone believes it.

Who am I, who is the girl with these conditions? Scarlett Paige Potter, that's me. My twin brother is James Charles Potter, the one who is always after my best friend, Lily Evans. His best friends are Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Everyone at Hogwarts knows who they are, though barely anyone knows who I am. Everyone evens knows who Lily is, mainly because the girls are jealous that James Potter is chasing after her and she takes no notice.

James has also been very protective of me, especially because of my conditions. How would I explain this, well there are two main conditions. One is easier to explain then the other, so I'll start with that one. You see, I pick up things that others wouldn't, the small details of life. I can tell people apart by their perfume or cologne, I can also tell if someone was lying, but if they are skilled liars, it is harder. I also will speak my mind and I can't stop myself, most times.

Well, that's the first one, now to the second one. Umm.... how do I begin? I have this condition that forces me to cuddle a pillow with both my arms and legs at night. I know what you're thinking, how is that a problem, well if I don't, I end up violently shaking. The longer I shake, the harder it is for me to stop and if I do it for too long, then I can either fall into a coma or die. No-one knows about this except for James, my family and the Hogwarts professors. I don't have to cuddle my pillow, I can hold onto an actual person as I sleep, but that can only really be James, or even Sirius or Remus. Even though Remus and Sirius don't know why I do, they still will allow for me too.

My bed at home is charmed, so if I start shaking my parents will get notified and my bed at school is also charmed to notify McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey, if I start shaking.

No-one else in my family has ever had these conditions; actually no-one has ever had these conditions anywhere in the world.

Well, welcome to the small, but sometimes crazy life of Scarlett Paige Potter.

My Condition (Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now