Chapter Two

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Bomb, gun shot, ear piercing scream, bomb, gun shot, ear piercing scream. These sounds rang through Scarlett’s ears as she laid in bed, trying to get some more sleep. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter were up all night watching violent movies in her brother’s room and they had it up extremely loud, so as Scarlett’s room was across the hallway from James’ room, she could hear it as well.

She tightened her grip on her full body pillow and buried her face in it. Bomb, gun shot, ear piercing scream, bomb, gun shot, ear piercing scream. She turned over again, only to fall onto the floor. Scarlett stood back up and went to lie back down in bed, when she realised that there were four boys in her room. James was sitting on the end of Scarlett’s bed, Sirius on her desk, Remus in her desk chair and Peter on the floor.

“Can you please leave?” she yawned, crawling back into bed.

“How can you be tired?” Sirius asked. “It is almost eleven.”

“Well, some idiots were up watching loud violent movies, keeping me up.”

“You didn’t have to listen,” he told her.

Scarlett just groaned and laid back down in bed, wrapping her arms and legs around her pillow. Sirius was such an idiot; actually they all were, except Remus.

“Scarlett, you have to get up,” James said.

“Why do I have to get up, I am perfectly happy here?”

“Because we’re leaving for Hogwarts today.”

“But I want to sleep,” she whined.

“Sleep on the train,” Sirius told her.

She shook her head, before shooing the four boys out of her room. The brunette quickly changed into a white dress, with a dark pink skirt, along with white sandals and a dark pink bow in her hair. Grumbling, she walked down stairs, half-asleep.

“Scarlett, hurry up,” James groaned.

They were all at the front door, standing next to their trunks. Her parents were standing there as well, waiting for Scarlett.

“Scarlett Paige, straighten yourself up,” Mrs. Potter told her young daughter. “You are supposed to be a young lady, not someone that lives on the streets.”

Another groan came from Scarlett. Her mother was lucky that Scarlett was even wearing these ridiculous dresses. Scarlett scurried over to her trunk that was already seated by the door and picked it up.

“Okay, Remus and Peter come with me,” Mrs. Potter told them. “Sirius and Scarlett can go with Charles; James will be quietly waiting here for me to return.”

She put extra strain on quietly, while James rolled his eyes and smirked. Remus and Peter quickly moved over to Mrs. Potter, placing their hands on each of her arms, whereas Scarlett groaned and stood there, looking at Sirius in disgust. She trusted Sirius, but that didn’t mean she could stand being near him. He just smirked and moved over to Mr. Potter.

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