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That's all I could see, just water.
Water, carrying my limp body away, carrying my limp body away from my home.

From my family, my friends, me.
Screams, bursting from our throats, hoarse and dry.

Waves came crashing atop our restless bodies, as we struggled for our every breath. The choked cry of Katie, the smallest member of our now-destroyed 1948 loop.

In between powerfully large waves tumbling over me, I caught a quick glimpse of poor Katie, being swallowed by yet another wave.

A desperate 'Katie!' left my mouth as I heard another choked cry for help from the little girl.

What had happened?

One minute, we were eating lunch outside, the little children had been playing.

Then, a scream.

A scream from little Katie.

Our heads whipped around, at the small 6 year old, and saw as she pointed up at the ocean near our 1940's mansion, as a huge, huge wave was forming in the distance. Easily taller than the tallest point of our house, it approached at seemingly impossible speeds, water around and atop it white and foaming.

We all stood, terrified, as we ran the opposite direction of the coast, desperate to get to safety in time...

We were too slow.

As we reached the greenhouse at the edge of our loop, the massive tsunami hit the mansion, smashing parts off and tearing at others.

We knew there was no other way of escaping it. We were too far from the loop's exit, but we were far enough away to not be instantaneously crumpled and flattened like syndrigasti pancakes.

As we all huddled close together, me, Miss Pipit, our ymbryne, the multiple three and four years olds, the two 7 or 8 year olds, the tsunami hit us with such tremendous force that I got an instantaneous migraine, as did every other person huddled around me, but other than that and the aching pain of every bone, muscle, and nerve in my body, it wasn't the worst it could have been.

As my pale, lifeless body was continuously dragged away into the ocean, screams filled my ears. I was startled into full consiousness by the cries of Katie. As I lay there, in the middle of the ocean, I started to breath heavily.


My lungs were filled with it, my clothes were heavy with it, making it difficult for me to stay afloat, and my eyes were glossed over by it. It stung my eyes, my lungs, my ears. No, it didn't sting.

It hurt.


How do you think this sets the storyline? Did I do a good job? I would love your feedback!

And I know, I know. Super short chapter. I couldn't add more to this without feeling like I was pushing the chapter further then it needed to be pushed, so I simply ended it at Adelydd floating in the ocean.

Whispers lightly: the amazing cover for this book was made by the equally amazing MilkweedSintheSky
Check out their amazing cover shop if you haven't already!

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