[ chap iv. ]

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Millard came back probably 5 minutes later, with a filled cup of water, which he set on the nightstand next to my bed. He looked over at me - or, at least I think he did - and said happily, "hope to see you downstairs soon." Which made me smile, "I hope so, too."

The boy's suit walked away again, leaving me alone yet again. I sighed, took a sip from the glass of water, the ice tickling my upper lip, and set the glass down, before closing my eyes and falling, for the first time in a while, into a peaceful sleep.


I sat on the same beach that I washed up on less than a week ago, in the same spot. I knew I was in the same spot because I saw white feathers across the beach, spotted with small bits of blood. But I was sitting here, peacefully, looking out in the distance.

I grabbed the feather closest to me, and looked at it, gently rubbing my thumb against it, feeling the down in between my fingers. I placed the feather in the same spot I found it, and looked back at the horizon.

A hand was gently placed on my shoulder, and I looked back, and saw a familiar boy. But who was he? I couldn't remember. He grabbed my hand and brought me to my feet, before waliking back to a Victorian house on top of a hill.

'Do I know this place?' I thought to myself, before stopping, trying to remember. "Addy, what's wrong, sweet?" Came a voice, from the boy. What accent was that...?


I woke up due to the sun hitting me from in the window. I groaned, and pulled the covers over my eyes to shield me from the sun, when I heard a gentle knock on my door.

"You can come in." I said, pulling the covers down to my chest. Miss Peregrine walked in, carrying a plate of food. "Here you go, dear." She smiled as she put it on my lap.

"Me and Millard talked a bit more, and if you find it comfortable, then we were thinking you can say hello to the rest of the children. Wouldyou be okay with that, dear?" Miss Peregrine said, holding her hands in front of her, smiling.

"Really? I would love to say hello to the others." I said happily. I looked down at the plate on my lap, which consisted of peas, chicken, and a small bowl of soup, by the looks of it, carrot and potatoes and a bunch of other stuff. "Can I finish this first, though?" I laughed, and so did Miss Peregrine. "Of course. I will be just outside the door, okay?"

"Okay, Miss Peregrine."


I have... Good news, I guess? The chapters will be shorter from now on, (some will still be 1000+ words, but a lot will be less than 750) and this just makes it easier for me to focus on writing. One or two chapters a week, so around 1500 words a week. That's acceptable, right? If you want me to keep writing long chapters, but have them be only once every week or two, tell me and I'll see what I can do. Thank you for all the people who read my shitty book, ily all ❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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