Chapter 10

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Okay one last chapter and this is done. Enjoy! 

Dean P.O.V

I stepped out of Baby and the grass beneath my feet. I looked at the old house and sighed. Why did Cas do this? A voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Um, Dad snap out of it. We have to go, or else we'll die." Percy said in a dramatic voice.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied. I handed Percy an angel blade. Percy went in front of me despite what I said. Mom went behind her and me and Sam were in the back.

"Hellooo?" Percy said singing. "Anyone home?" Percy said and then pushed the door open with the angel blade in her hand.

Kelly was in bed with Cas watching over her. (Get it? Angels are always watching over you.) Percy and Mom slowly walked over and asked her if she was okay. Percy quickly looked at the window. She carefully walked to the window.

"Hi! I'm here for my son! Where are you?" Lucifer yelled. Percy lifted up the blind and looked out. She quickly shut the blinds.

"Crap." Percy said the word that summed this up. Kelly groaned in pain.

"It's okay Kelly, you can do this." Mom said trying to calm Kelly down.

"We have to stop him. Come on." Cas said. Me, Sam, and Cas walked out of the room. Percy followed us. Sam turned around and bent down on his knee so he was facing her.

"You can't come." Sam said to Percy.

"Too bad, I'm coming." Percy said with confidence.

"Stay here. You aren't ready." Sam said with force.

"I'm better than you were at this age. I'm coming." Percy said with once again. Pushing past Sam.

"Are you ready." I asked Percy as I looked down at her.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Percy responded brushed aside the hair on her face. Cas opened the door and we all walked out.

"How cute. You think you can beat me." Lucifer said with a grin and then flicked his wrist. I groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

"NO!" Percy yelled and then water started to come in from all directions. The water swarmed Lucifer and he fell to the ground and the pain stopped. The water stopped and went to Percy.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked us with a worried voice. I gave her a thumbs up and then Cas jumped up and ran toward Lucifer. Cas tackled and got thrown off. I then remembered the portal. My eyes widened.

"The portal!" I exclaimed. Lucifer smiled but quickly fell when all of us pushed him in. Mom ran in and helped us. I got the angel bullet gun and started shooting him and my smile fell when I realized it wasn't working. Lucifer killed Crowley and went after Percy next but not before we got the spell to work. I looked toward the portal to see if it was closing. It was.

"The portal's closing!!" I shouted blocking the sand out of my eyes. Sam jumped through and next was Cas. There wasn't a lot of water but Percy somehow found water to push me and mom through. Lucifer was choking Percy. Percy kicked Lucifer and started running to the portal. She pushed me through the portal with mom. When we got through Percy tackled me and mom with a hug. I hesitated but hugged her back. We all walked in. Percy was the first to walk in Kelly's room. She stopped.

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