Chapter One

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(( Whatwedesireisnotalwayswhatweget. But, unknowingly, wegetthingsmuchmoreimportantthanwhatweexpect. ))

Hello Guys. Enjoy reading my story. Please, don't get bored if I update for a long time. Be patient. :-)



Today is the first day of school. As usual, the same faces. My classmates before are still my classmate this school year. I didn't feel bored, yet I grew in this second home with them.

I'm so happy to see them - Jeriko, Louis, Josh, and Arly. I'm so glad that they are still my classmates. Actually, I didn't feel anything anymore with my X - Crush namely Jariel.

I was walking when I saw her. The girl always wanted namely Rafflessia. She's very famous here in school. She's beautiful, brilliant, dancing and singing - smart, friendly - look, and more. Does she have a crush already? If not, can it just be me?

First day of school, love at first sight mode. I never expect this. But, atleast. How could I communicate with her?

By the way, our school have a wifi connection that's why I decided to search her in Facebook. Whossh! She have a lot of beautiful pictures. So, what will I do? Of course, download it.



We're going to have a group activity and Jariel, Jeriko, and Alexis are my group mates. We had fun. But, I feel something with Hakea. She does really change.

We're about to pass our paper when she didn't let me right my name. It hurts. That's why I didn't stop my tears from falling. I cried. Girls do really change. She's not anymore the Hakea that I knew before who is the girl always wanted. She changed a lot.

But, I think. There is really a reason why she's acting like that. NVM. I already have my new crush and I think, my new crush is better than her.



It's recess time. Hakea and I already fixed since she say sorry. I also say sorry for not controlling my temper. We're here in the cafeteria with Jeriko, Louis, Josh, and Arly.

After, we separate but I'm with Louis. Louis just suddenly ask,

"Hey, Dude, sinceyouandJarielisalreadyover, doyouhaveanewgirl?", he asked.

"Whataquestion!", I said.

Am I going to trust Louis?

We're here now in front of Rafflessia's Classroom.

"Fine, Rafflessiaismycrush."

Oh, GHAAD! Why did I even say it?

"Whaaat!? Rafflessia! Ayieh! Hey, Goiise! Tulip'scrushisRafflessia!"

Hey, Louis! . What did you eat and you just shouted!? Grrgh!

"What? Rafflessia'syourCRUSH?!"

GRRGH. . It's all Louis's fault. Well, also my fault. One of Rafflessia's classmate, Khylei just ask. Gossh! Oh, please don't tell Rafflessia. I'm shy.


Of all the 3 subjects, I didn't get anything. What I was thinking about what happened during Recess Time. Nuts.

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