I. Devil's Invitation

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I am reading Dangerous Liaisons, which I know is kinda weird for a villain, at least that's how the stupid Auradon people call me and my friends from the Isle, but I love reading, good-looking characters, cheating and drama and that book has it. Then I heard that someone is trying to come.

"What? Seriously? It's locked again?! SELENA!" Someone screams from the other side of the door. I come to it.

"Uncle LeFou? Is that you?" I ask.

"Yes, I am, Selly. Just let me in before these boys here smash me!" He orders and I unlock the door. He comes in and some people behind him tries too, but I push them outside and lock again. Phew. It was close! "You are just like your father - always locking the door, because of thousand admirers.."

"I wish they were only thousands! Sometimes I think that every boy, who is not my family, under 21 here besides Jay and Carlos  have a crush on me or something like that..." I look down. I don't like that at all, I mean all people staring at me - It’s horrible!

"Yeah, that was the difference between you two. He loved to be loved and center of attention, while you not so much... Maybe you get that from your mom. Whoever she is..."

"I still don't know how you don't know who she is when you were my dad's sidekick and best friend. I think you are hiding from me." I state looking at him suspiciously.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that, if I knew, of course I will tell you, cookie." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Besides, he told me about you when you were 5 years old, when-" his eyes filled with tears. "When-" he can't finish his sentence. I stand up and embrace him tight. I know what he wanted to tell me.

"So why you came?" I try to change the subject with a smile. He gets an envelope from his pocket and gives it to me. "Oh no. Don't tell me is another love letter from Harry Hook... I have exactly 163 from him." I point with my eyes at a pile. LeFou laughes.

"I don't know." He laughes again. "Open it." Another laugh.

"Uncle." He looks at me. "The envelope is open. Did you read it already?"

"What? I? No." He tries to lie me, but I give him seriously look. "Okay. I did..." I laugh shaking my head and start reading:

"Selena LeGume,
You are chosen to attend in the prep school of kingdom Auradon, alongside with the daughter of the Evil Queen - Evie, the daughter of Maleficent - Mal, the son of Cruella De Vil - Carlos and the son of Jafar - Jay. I will be happy you to join us.

Your future king,
The son of Belle and Beast,

"Hahahahah. These people can't be serious. Hahahhah. Oh my god. Hahahhah. My stomach hurts! Hahahahahahah." My uncle looks at me serious. "Okay, I'll stop. Be serious in 4... 3.. 2.." I gasp. "Ready." Just then my phone rings. I've got a text from Evie:
'Come to the center. It's important! #911!!!'

Oh, that means that something really bad happened. "I have to go, uncle. Emergency. We will talk later. Bye!" I wave at him and in front of me appear more than thousands people. "Okay. Who wants to drive or teleport or whatever you can do to the center, boys?" I ask flirty and a lot of them use their powers to transport me there. Just in time! For one of their songs...

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