Chapter 4

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A few easter eggs from the last chapter if you didn't catch them:

Cheryl's car is a Ford Tempo. That model had a twin, the Mercury Topaz.

Cheryl's locker is #328 and the combination is 30-2-17. This is for Episode 2x17 which was Chapter 30 and aired on March 28th.

The morning after Cheryl's encounter with Toni, she had to drag herself out of bed, dreading seeing her

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The morning after Cheryl's encounter with Toni, she had to drag herself out of bed, dreading seeing her... she didn't know what to call her. Could she even still consider Toni her girlfriend? No, this Toni wasn't her girlfriend. She wasn't even her friend.

Cheryl desperately wanted her Toni back. She wanted her life back. All she wanted to do was to open her eyes and be back in Thistlehouse with her pink haired, gang leader girlfriend curled up against her. Unfortunately, instead she had awoken to the same dingy trailer in which she had fallen asleep.

She dressed modestly, very unlike herself, but given the circumstances she couldn't bring herself to care. Cheryl grabbed one of the less obnoxious band t-shirts and a flannel from the closet, tossed them on the bed, and went to clean up in the bathroom.

With a heavy sigh, she prepared herself for the day ahead. Ideally, Cheryl wanted to crawl back into the bed and sleep until the universe deemed it time to send her home, but she opted to power through in case of the unfortunate event of her nightmare being permanent. If she was going to be stuck in this hell, she would do what it took to finish school and get out of the Southside. There was one thing she was certain of in any reality, the Southside was no place for a Blossom.

"Cher? You ready?" Jughead called from the other room. She assumed this was going to be a daily occurrence, being picked up by the hobo.

"Coming," she yelled back begrudgingly before making her way out of the bedroom.

He looked up from his phone as the floor of the trailer creaked under her feet. "Hey, there's the Cher I remember... well mostly. Your face is still weird."

Cheryl looked nothing like herself. She wore a loose fitting Nirvana concert tee, an unbuttoned blue flannel, faded jeans, and black Doc Martens.

"I don't care. It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone... Can we just go?"

She did her best to stay invisible, but her attempt proved futile. More than once Cheryl found herself being shoved into the lockers by one of the Bulldogs. The first time it happened she had looked up to see Chuck and Reggie high fiving as continued walking down the hall.

The incident with Toni and Heather in the cafeteria had inadvertently put a target on her back, and with her noticeable red hair it was hard to avoid the backlash. Jughead had attempted to stick by her as much as he could. He offered to have one of the Serpents escort her to class when he wasn't able, but she adamantly refused, not wanting to appear weaker than everyone already saw her.

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