(Outlast: Whistle Blower) Eddie Gluskin x Yandere Reader

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"Bold & italics" = inner dialogue

Criminally insane. A danger to yourself and others. That's what you are or, at least, what you've been called. That's what got you put away like the rest of the people here at Mount Massive Asylum. Convicted of murder...but it was in the name of...

"Love. I loved him!  HE'S MINE!" I told them, every single one. They keep asking me but they'll never get it. They didn't know what real love was like.

I was strapped to a chair like an animal while they sit there and take notes of everything I do and say. It was driving me mad. "He's mine forever. Now no one can have him but me! Now he's away from those sluts that want to take him and ruin him. I took care of him, loved him, took away those who would corrupt and abuse him...but that just wasn't enough." I tried to pull away from the chair and bring my arms back to myself-my head hurts so much!-"just stop asking me these questions!" It's a game to them right? "HAHAHAHA!" It has to be a game!

The psychologist stood up, out of fright, as the patient started thrashing, and looked to the guards for assurance. The patient stopped suddenly though and slumped forward in her chair. Her face was hidden behind her unkempt hair. "(Y/n), are you calm now?" He tested warily as he slowly sat back down. She didn't answer though. "(Y/n), answer. You won't improve if you don't cooperate. You want to feel better, don't you?" He asked one more time but he could see that you wouldn't be talking anytime soon and motioned the guards to take you back to your room.

"I can finally go back to my room now. They just keep asking me things." The brutes for guards came and unchained the sleeves of the jacket from the back of the chair and stood me up. They kept their vile hands on me while they walked me out of the room. I wasn't looking forward to the walk back to the women's ward, though. There's only me so I have to walk back and forth between my room there and the functioning rooms and facilities in this part of the building.

I kept my head down as we walked through the halls. I could hear the other patients making all kinds of noises. "I don't belong here with them."

As we passed a certain room, I could hear a man yelling "NO!" A guard came out of the room and spotted the ones escorting me and begged for help restraining a patient. One rushed off with the other while one stayed to keep an eye on me.

There was so much noise in the room that I discretely moved to peek but as soon as I did, a man, I assumed to be a patient, tried to run for it but was subdued by his arms and shoulders.

He struggled, not aware that I was there, but after he was unable to move freely, he realized he was caught and halted for a minute. When he did, he looked up and stared at me. It almost looked he was happy to see me. "Darling!" He shouted to me with a smile.

"I don't know this man." I wanted to glare at him for saying something like that to me when he doesn't deserve to but...I was stunned. "Darling?" I whispered, wide-eyed. His smile spread and his eyes lit up with something that I felt familiar with somehow.

The male patient started to say something else but was soon being dragged away by the guards. "NO! Darling, help!" He screamed but the woman stood still as the guard next to her put a controlling hand on her shoulder just in case, and as a warning. She was shocked at the scene as the man was further forced down the halls as he continued screaming. "RAPE!"

     The guard shook the woman's shoulder and prodded her in the direction of the room, to which she fallowed silently but with new haunts in her mind.

     "Darling?  Darling?!" Why can't I get that out of my head?  Everything was getting hazy as a strong headache was setting in.  I couldn't tell what I was doing at the moment but before I knew it, I was walking into my room as the door shut behind me. 

     I sluggishly walked to my bed and fell to it.  "Who was that man?-NO!-...don't think of other men!"  I curled up and put my hands to my head and applied pressure to try and ease my worsening head. It felt like I couldn't concentrate and every thought seemed fuzzy and strained.  "He was so happy to see me..."  That man wouldn't leave your mind and it was torturous...but...

     Everything was interrupted though as the lights flickered before shutting off. The woman perked her head up in alert. "What's going on?" She could only see what the broken light of the moon shining through her barred windows allowed. She rubbed her eyes to try and force them to adjust and they soon did, slightly. She got up and walked to the door, gripping the bars on the window to the hall. "Hello?"

I called out but no one replied. Where's the guard? There's usually, at least, one near by. I looked out to see if there was something to give me more insight to the odd circumstances but the halls were all dark and void.

Everything was dead silent as I started to drift a little *CRASH* I heard something in the hallway tip over, scaring me, as footsteps approached.

"Back up. We're evacuating the building." It was a guard.

"Okay." I murmured as I stepped away from the door so it could open. The guard came in, restrained my hands, and started guiding me through the halls.

Making our way through the dark, we neared the main part of the building. I wasn't expecting any of this but both me and the guard where surprised by the screams we heard. "Hurry up!" He urged.

We made it to the gymnasium after walking for a while but before we could go farther, a stack of boxes were shoved over and collapsed on the guard and I but he took the brunt of it and fell over completely. I was startled and ducked behind a shelf as adrenaline burned through my veins.

"You should know better than to force yourself onto another man's fiancée.  It's vulgar." Came a man's voice. It sounded familiar to the woman so she peeked through the books and boxes on the shelf to be shocked at the sight of the man she'd seen earlier but...his face looked different...damaged. "Don't worry, darling! He won't bother us...anymore." She flinched and hid when she realized he directed his speaking to her now. "It's alright. You can stop hiding, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore...or...are you hiding from me?" His voice was slowly warping from concerned to dark...but that's not how everyone saw it.

"He's trying to help me?" I was confused, I don't think he knows me... "I recognize that tone. It reminds me of when I wouldn't be able to find my love and how hurtful it was when he wouldn't come to me by himself. Could he...care for me? As much as i can? Nobody's been able to feel on the same level as me but...maybe he can." I moved to where he could see me. "No, I'm here."

He turned to where she revealed herself and broke out into a delirious smile. "Darling! I know you weren't like the others!" He bellowed with dreamy happiness as he slowly approached her.

"I'm not...like the others?" Her mind was racing with how someone finally recognized that she was special-better-than the other women out there.  "Maybe I was wrong the first time, choosing that other man...  This one...A shocking thrill shot to her heart.  "He's...the one.  He's mine."

I wasn't really sure how to do this but I gave it a shot

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